[Abstract]:On the basis of analyzing the connotation of macro and micro leverage ratio and its relationship, this paper respectively through the microscopic perspective of MM theorem and the macro perspective of growth mode, This paper analyzes the economic mechanism of the structure and level of leverage ratio in China and its relationship with financial stability. The difference between micro leverage ratio and macro leverage ratio mainly reflects the change of return on capital and is closely related to the stage of economic cycle. Microscopic analysis shows that the differences in information and transaction costs, tax burden and incentive mechanism of soft budgetary constraints are closely related to the differences in leverage ratios of different enterprises. Determine China's overall high level of leverage. This paper suggests that on the one hand, the process of deleveraging and economic structural transformation should be reasonably grasped so as to avoid the liquidity risk and "debt-deflation" risk arising from the excessive compression of credit and investment. On the other hand, it is necessary to avoid the asset bubble caused by the excessive increase in leverage ratio. The government should reduce the direct allocation of resources and create
【作者单位】: 中国人民银行研究局;中国人民银行营业管理部;
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