[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid expansion of the total amount of finance in our country and the diversified development of the financial structure, financial products and financing tools have been continuously innovated. Taking money supply and bank loans as intermediate targets of monetary policy can no longer fully reflect the financing scale of real economy and can not truly reflect the interaction between finance and real economy. Based on the VAR model and the vector autoregressive model, the methods of cointegration test, Granger causality test, impulse response and variance decomposition are used in this paper. The correlation between the scale of social financing and money supply and monetary policy operation objectives is compared. The results show that the change of social financing structure weakens the policy control effect of money supply, but at present the scale of social financing can not completely replace the money supply, but should be a good supplement to the money supply. The two complement each other, together as the main intermediate target of monetary policy.
【作者单位】: 辽宁大学;中国人民银行沈阳分行;
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