[Abstract]:Because (SIFIs) of systemically important financial institutions has the effect of "big but not falling", how to supervise it effectively and reduce its possible systemic risk is always an important problem. In this paper, the third pillar of the Basel Accord market constraint is selected, and the event study method is used to study the stock returns of the Global systemically important Banks (G-SIBs) for the period of 2011-2015 of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The responses of nine regulatory events, such as the G-SIBs list issued by the Financial Stability Council and the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and the introduction of the SIBs regulatory policy, were analyzed, and the comparison between China's listed banks on the G-SIBs list and the listed banks not on the list was made. The aim is to study whether the introduction of regulatory policy has affected the market's expectations of such institutions, that is, whether the effect of market constraints. The results show that only the Basel Committee issued the updated regulatory requirements has a significant negative impact on the related G-SIBs stock returns, while the other eight events have not resulted in significant negative abnormal returns of the relevant bank stocks. This indicates that, in most cases, market constraints have not played a significant role in the supervision of SIBs in China, and have not achieved the effect of reducing the moral hazard of such banks.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学财政金融学院;中国矿业大学(北京)管理学院;
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