[Abstract]:Most of the local banks were on the right track during the period of the national government and became an important part of the new banking system, aiming at adjusting local finance, serving local finance and developing public utilities. Shanghai Bank is one of the few local banks with relatively successful operation, which is both official and commercial. It not only exerts the main functions of finance and finance, but also gives rise to the construction of urban infrastructure. The functions of science, education, culture and health care and livelihood relief can promote the steady development of local economy. This paper reveals the reasons behind it by applying the principles of institutional economics, and makes a historical evaluation that the positive role of Shanghai's banks is greater than the negative ones.
【作者单位】: 上海工程技术大学管理学院;
【基金】:上海市教委高校青年教师培养资助计划“上海市银行的财政金融功能研究(1927—1949)”(批准号:ZZGCD15023) 上海工程技术大学科研启动项目“近代地方银行的职能研究——以上海市银行为例”(批准号:2015—37)的研究成果之一
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