[Abstract]:In this paper, a bargaining game model is established to analyze the influence of concession on loan price negotiation, and the bilateral stochastic boundary model and the data of 104 commercial banks in China from 2005 to 2013 are used. Measure the bargaining power of banks and their impact on loan prices. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the concession makes the bank have lower negotiation cost, show stronger bargaining power and make the negotiation reach a higher transaction price; (2) by virtue of the monopoly and management advantage formed by the concession, the bank can obtain nearly three times the surplus of the enterprise, and make the transaction price of the loan higher than the fair price about 0.70; (3) the bargaining power of both borrowers and borrowers in the sample period did not show the same changing law as the banking market structure, and the market-oriented reform of the banking industry did not significantly change the asymmetric position of the lenders in the price negotiations. The research shows that to reduce the financing cost of enterprises, we need to continuously optimize the banking market structure, further improve the governance structure of banks, and focus on enhancing the bargaining power of enterprises.
【作者单位】: 重庆工商大学财政金融学院;
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