[Abstract]:Due to the rapid expansion of the commercial bank's assets and the net outflow of foreign exchange, the financial market of our country is reversed from the structural liquidity surplus to the structural liquidity shortage. The monetary policy operation framework of the structural liquidity shortage can help the central bank to take the open market operation to realize its policy intention and improve the effectiveness of the monetary policy. The central bank can guide the change of the market interest rate through the open market operation. When the market interest rate reaches the target level, the section of the interest rate corridor is adjusted accordingly, and then the conventional operation is carried out to keep the interest rate hub in the corridor section. In order to prevent the overtone of financial market, the central bank has to strengthen communication with the market and grasp the communication, and strengthen the guidance and monitoring of the systemically important financial institution. At the same time, all kinds of market subjects should gradually adapt to the new operation frame of monetary policy, and understand the policy intention of the operation of the central bank accurately through the analysis of the interest rate center and the interest rate corridor.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学金融学院;
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