[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, the current account deficit of the United States has been accumulating, and the scale of external assets and liabilities has expanded rapidly, gradually forming a financial market-oriented debt-dependent economy. Against the background of the expanding assets and liabilities of the United States, the international lending pattern gradually presents three characteristics of asymmetric interdependence: the borrowing of the United States and the lending of emerging market countries; the current account deficit of the United States and the current account surplus of emerging market countries; the United States is the overwhelming absorber of global savings; and China, Japan, oil exporters and other emerging market countries in East Asia are the main providers of global savings. In this case, China should adopt the strategies of adjusting the structure of foreign assets and liabilities, promoting the balanced development of current account and promoting the internationalization of RMB.
【作者单位】: 南开大学周恩来政府管理学院;
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