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发布时间:2018-02-13 22:53

  本文关键词: 载荷试验 尺寸效应 承载力 切线模量法 出处:《岩土力学》2016年S2期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Compression plate load test is the most reliable method for determining the bearing capacity of foundation, which is widely used at present. However, there are many influencing factors such as plate size, buried depth, uniformity of foundation and soil, settlement stability standard and so on. The engineering practice shows that the error between the measured settlement and the calculated settlement based on the eigenvalue of the bearing capacity of the foundation determined by the compression plate test is large, and based on the existing research results, the influence of the size of the compression plate on the test results is the greatest. Research on dimensional effect of load Test and determination method of bearing capacity of Foundation (1) A review of the existing problems in the determination of bearing capacity of foundation at present A) Analysis of the size effect of load Test 3) based on the nonlinear tangent modulus method proposed by Professor Yang Guanghua, How to obtain the load-settlement curve of the actual foundation by using the load test results of the small plate is deduced and given. The method of determining the bearing capacity of the foundation by using the p-s curve of the actual foundation is given. Since the pressure plate test can only reflect shallow soil, the method of determining the bearing capacity of the deep soil by using the pressure-pressure test is presented. The concrete engineering example shows that the foundation bearing capacity of the deep soil is determined by the method of double control of foundation safety and settlement. Based on the settlement value calculated by using the parameters obtained by small pressure plate, the method of geotechnical parameters can not only improve the accuracy of settlement calculation, but also improve the accuracy of settlement calculation. It can also promote the development of basic design theory and the improvement of design level.
【作者单位】: 广东省水利水电科学研究院;广东省岩土工程技术研究中心;广东省山洪灾害突发事件应急技术研究中心;华南农业大学水利与土木工程学院;深圳市基础工程有限公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(No.51378131) 广东省水利科技创新基金(No.2009-25) 广东省公路管理局科技基金(No.2012-09) 省属科研机构改革创新基金(No.2014B070706008)~~


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