本文关键词:青海省玉树藏族自治州生态可持续性研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 玉树藏族自治州 生态可持续性 生态敏感性 生态足迹 生态安全
【摘要】:20世纪80年代以来,我国经济持续快速增长、城镇化进程不断加快、生态保护力度显著提升,与此同时,我国对资源的开发强度不断增大、气候变化胁迫加剧、生态环境受到严重冲击。面对这种状况,我国政府高度重视可持续发展战略的实施。而生态可持续发展是可持续发展的环境基础。青海省玉树藏族自治州位于青海省西南部,是长江、黄河和澜沧江的发源地,其生态地位非常重要。该地区的生态环境状况不仅影响到当地人民的生存与生活,更是与中下游地区、全国乃至整个东南亚地区社会和经济的发展息息相关。因此,从"生态环境-自然资源-社会经济复杂大系统"更宏观的系统层面上,对玉树州的生态现状及生态可持续状况进行研究,具有重要的理论与实践意义。本文以玉树州遥感影像、统计资料和野外调查资料为数据源,利用地理信息技术和空间统计方法对玉树州的生态敏感性进行分析;基于生态足迹模型和PSR模型,采用层次分析法,计算玉树州2000-2015年的生态足迹和生态环境承载力;并对玉树州1987-2015年的生态安全进行分析和评价。论文的主要研究内容如下:(1)玉树州的生态敏感性存在地区和空间差异,整体上呈现出西高东低态势。位于玉树州西部的治多县和杂多县生态敏感性较高,其中治多县西部和杂多县东部属于重度以上敏感区,治多县东部地区属于中度敏感区,杂多县西部属于轻度敏感区;囊谦县、玉树市、称多县和曲麻莱县生态敏感性较低,均属于轻度敏感区。极敏感区和重度敏感区占玉树州总面积的35.23%,中度敏感区占总面积的24.56%,轻度敏感区和不敏感区占总面积的40.21%。说明玉树州的生态环境有待进一步改善,特别是治多县和杂多县,应减少人为因素对环境的干扰,优化保护措施,降低这些地区的敏感状态,维持玉树州生态可持续性。(2)2000-2015年,玉树州的生态足迹呈增长趋势,且增长幅度较大,从37.222万hm2增至58.363万hm2,增长率为56.8%;人均生态足迹也呈现出增长趋势,从0.8627 hm2/人增至0.9038 hm2/人,增长了 4.8%。从时间序列上看,玉树州的人均生态足迹整体表现为2000-2005年迅速上升,2005-2010年骤减,2010-2015年又呈缓慢增加趋势。从空间分布状况来看,玉树州各地区人均生态足迹的排名为:治多县曲麻莱县杂多县囊谦县称多县玉树市。(3)玉树州各地区生态环境承载力存在地区和空间差异,总体上呈现自低海拔地区向高海拔地区递增趋势。玉树州各地区生态环境承载力排序为:治多县曲麻莱县称多县杂多县玉树市囊谦县。北部海拔较高的经济欠发达地区生态承载力较高,南部海拔较低的经济较发达地区生态承载力已经呈现出过载态势。说明玉树州社会经济正处于高速发展阶段,当地居民对自然资源的消耗大幅度增加,特别是囊谦县和杂多县,需要合理利用当地资源进行产业的开发升级,减少对生态环境的影响,保持玉树州生态稳定与可持续发展。(4)玉树州的生态安全状况存在时空差异。玉树州的生态安全指数在1987-2015年间整体呈现上升趋势,研究表明:除玉树市的生态安全状况呈现轻微恶化趋势外,治多县、囊谦县、杂多县、称多县和曲麻莱县的生态安全指数均在不断增长。玉树州东部地区生态安全状况明显好于西部地区。玉树市作为州府所在地受到人口密度及人类干扰影响明显,当地资源压力和社会压力增大,需要采取生态保护措施和科学调控,制定合理发展规划,以保障实现全州的生态可持续发展。
[Abstract]:Since 1980s, China's sustained and rapid economic growth, accelerating the urbanization process, the ecological protection efforts significantly improved, at the same time, the development of China's resource intensity increasing, exacerbating climate change stress, the ecological environment has been seriously affected. In the face of this situation, the Chinese government attaches great importance to the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development and ecological sustainability. The development environment is the foundation of sustainable development. The Qinghai Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yushu province is located in the southwest of Qinghai Province, is the birthplace of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River River and Lancang River, its ecological status is very important. The ecological environment status in this area not only affects the survival and life of the local people, and more is in the downstream region, the development of the society and the national economy and the whole Southeast Asia is closely linked. Therefore, the ecological environment of natural resources and social economic complex system "macro system level, to Research on Yushu's ecological situation and ecological sustainability, has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper takes Yushu remote sensing image, statistical data and field survey data, were analyzed by using GIS and spatial statistical methods for Yushu's ecological sensitivity; ecological footprint model and PSR model based on the the analytic hierarchy process, the calculation of bearing capacity of Yushu 2000-2015 years of ecological footprint and ecological environment; and to analyze and evaluate the ecological security of Yushu in 1987-2015. The main research contents of this paper are as follows: (1) the existence of differences between regions and spatial ecological sensitivity in Yushu, showing an overall trend in the East West High low. Western Yushu and Zhiduo County Zaduo County, ecological sensitivity is high, the eastern and Western Zhidoi County Zaduo county belongs to severe sensitive area, Zhiduo County, eastern region is medium The sensitive area, zadoi County West belonging to light sensitive area; Yushu Nangqian County, and lower ecological sensitivity in Chengduo county and Qumalai County, belong to the light sensitive area. Extremely sensitive area and severe sensitive area accounts for 35.23% of the total area of Yushu Prefecture, moderate sensitive area accounts for 24.56% of the total area, the light sensitive area and not sensitive area accounts for 40.21%. of the total area of the ecological environment in Yushu Prefecture should be further improved, especially in Zhiduo county and zadoi County, should reduce man-made interference on the environment, optimization of protection measures, to reduce the sensitivity of these areas, to maintain Yushu ecological sustainability. (2) 2000-2015 years, the ecological footprint of Yushu Prefecture there is a growing trend, and larger growth, from 372 thousand and 220 hm2 to 583 thousand and 630 hm2. The growth rate of 56.8%; the per capita ecological footprint is also showing increasing trend, from 0.8627 hm2/ to 0.9038 hm2/, an increase of 4.8%. from the time series, jade The per capita ecological footprint, the overall performance of the tree for the rapid rise of 2000-2005 years, 2005-2010 years and 2010-2015 years have plummeted, slowly increasing trend. From the point of view of the status of spatial distribution of ecological footprint per capita in the area of Yushu Prefecture Zhidoi County ranking: Qumalai County Zaduo Nangqian County in Chengduo County of Yushu city. (3) the existence of differences between regions and the space capacity of the ecological environment in various regions of Yushu, generally showed an increasing trend from low altitude to high altitude. Ranking for the capacity of the ecological environment in various regions in Yushu: Qumalai County Zhidoi County Chengduo County Yushu city county miscellaneous sac county. The higher elevations of the modest northern economy owes the developed area of ecological high bearing capacity, has showing the trend of ecological carrying capacity overload is developed at the low altitude region of southern Yushu. Economic, social economy is in a stage of rapid development, the local residents consumption of natural resources greatly The increase, especially in Nangqian county and zadoi County, reasonable utilization of local resources for industrial development and upgrading, reduce the impact on the ecological environment, maintaining ecological stability and sustainable development of Yushu. (4) temporal and spatial differences of ecological security status of Yushu state. Yushu state ecological security index showed a rising trend in the 1987-2015 years the study shows that the ecological security situation in Yushu city showed a slight deterioration, Zhidoi County, Nangqian, Zaduo County, ecological security index Chengduo county and Qumalai county are growing. The eastern region ecological security situation of Yushu is better than the West. The city of Yushu as the state capital is located by population density and the effects of human disturbance, local resources and social pressure increases, need to take measures for ecological protection and scientific regulation, formulate a reasonable development plan, in order to ensure the realization of the state ecological Sustainable development.
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