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发布时间:2018-01-14 22:01

  本文关键词:我国预包装食品糖含量分析及其在人群糖摄入量评估中的应用 出处:《中国疾病预防控制中心》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 含糖预包装食品 总糖 摄入量

【摘要】:研究背景和目的近年来糖过量摄入对机体健康造成的影响引起了国内外广泛的关注,包括但不局限于与增加代谢性疾病、心血管疾病、龋齿等疾病的发病风险的关系[1,2,3]。为此,世界卫生组织(WHO)建议人们在整个生命历程中要减少游离糖(Free Sugar)的摄入,成人和儿童游离糖日摄入量控制在供能比10%以内;如能进一步将其降低于5%,会给健康带来更多益处[4]。我国在最新发布的《中国居民膳食指南(2016)》[5]中也指出,居民要控制添加糖(Added Sugar)的摄入量,建议不超过50 g/d,最好控制在25 g/d以下,由此可见及时掌握居民糖摄入水平显得十分重要。从概念上讲,添加糖是指在食品加工和制备中添加的糖成分或者添加于餐桌食物中的糖[4];游离糖是指生产商、厨师或消费者在食品中添加的单糖和双糖以及天然存在于蜂蜜、糖浆、果汁和浓缩果汁中的糖分[4],尽管两个关于糖的概念所包含糖的种类和来源有所不同,这可能受到分析技术的影响,但是都表达了除天然食物以外在食品加工过程中额外加入了糖的涵义。近年来随着国内经济的快速发展和居民生活水平的提高,含糖的预包装食品(以下简称为“含糖食品”)消费水平不断增加,因此除天然食物和烹调用糖外,含糖食品的消费也成为重要的糖摄入来源,然而由于缺少预包装食品糖成分含量数据,到目前为止我国关于来自预包装食品的糖摄入水平评估研究较少,尽管刘素等[6]曾报告了我国居民糖摄入水平,但其所采用的食品糖含量数据基本来自于美国食物成分数据库,因此可能存在一定偏差。为此本研究旨在:1.在确立适合预包装食品半乳糖、葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、乳糖、麦芽糖测定的分析技术基础上,完成8类含糖食品的糖含量测定及分布统计;2.结合15个省居民膳食调查中预包装食品消费数据,对来自预包装食品中糖摄入水平进行评估。研究方法1预包装食品糖含量测定1.1样品采集:根据食品分类、口味、工艺,确立对八类含糖预包装食品进行采样,采样地点选择北京市物流量较大的综合超市,采样品种根据同类食品市场占有率排行或消费频率,选择排行靠前的品牌产品,最终确定样品为饮料类82个,饼干类53个,面包类28个,糕点类44个,乳和乳制品类63个,糖和糖果类16个,即食甜食类47个,水果类制品25个(其中饼干、即食甜食、乳和乳制品和饮料类中含有部分声称为“无糖”、“低糖”或“低蔗糖”的食品);每个样品均按照≥3个批次,每个批次≥3个包装进行抽样,按照等质等量原则进行混匀分装后待测。另外采集部分声称为“无糖”、“低糖”或“无蔗糖”的食品。1.2样品糖含量测定:建立半乳糖、葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、乳糖、麦芽糖同时在线测定的离子交换色谱法,按照方法学对方法线性范围、准确性、重现性、检出限等参数进行评估。在此基础上完成各类食品中6种单体糖含量测定,并计算糖含量总和(以下简称“总糖”)。1.3统计分析:按照食品工艺、口味对各类食品进行进一步的亚类分层,统计各类(包括亚类)食品糖含量水平分布情况;按照同类比较原则与美国食物成分数据库中糖含量进行比较;所有进行糖含量声称的样品与《食品安全国家标准预包装食品营养标签通则》(GB 28050)相关规定进行比较,判断糖含量声称的符合性。2预包装食品糖含量数据在居民糖摄入量评估中的应用2.1被调查人群的确立:根据2015年“中国健康与营养调查”项目在辽宁、江苏、山东、河南、湖北、湖南、广西壮族自治区、贵州、黑龙江、北京、上海、重庆、山西、浙江和云南15个调查区居民的膳食调查记录(3天24小时膳食回顾法),筛选有一次及以上含糖预包装食品消费记录的6岁及以上居民为“含糖食品消费人群”,作为糖摄入量评估的被调查人群。2.2来自预包装食品的糖摄入量评估:根据被调查人群饮料、饼干、面包、糕点、纯牛乳、乳制品、即食甜食、糖和糖果以及水果制品等9类预包装食品消费量记录,统计各类含糖食品有消费记录的人数占被调查含糖食品消费人群总数的百分比;根据各类含糖食品消费量乘以相应的糖含量赋值,累积统计各单体糖及总糖的摄入水平;以及不同类型食品消费人群所获得的糖摄入量水平,并分析年龄、性别对含糖食品消费趋势的差异。所有统计采用SAS 9.2软件进行分析。研究结果1.检测方法的确立通过对糖测定方法的建立,确立了基本检测流程,即样品经石油醚去除脂肪,乙酸锌和亚铁氰化钾去除蛋白质后,经固相萃取柱去除锌离子,应用离子色谱分离定量测定,精密度相对标准偏差均小于10%,回收率在97.6%~104.6%之间,检出限低于0.06 mg/L,证明所建立方法可以用于食品糖含量的精准测定。2.各类含糖预包装食品总糖和各单体糖含量及分布本研究共完成饮料类、饼干类、面包类、糕点类、乳和乳制品类、即食甜食类、糖和糖果类和水果制品类等8类358个样品的糖含量分析,结果显示(平均数),各类食品受到食品类别、工艺、口味的影响糖含量分布差异较大,其中即食甜食类总糖含量范围为1.67~69.1 g/100g,以蔗糖含量水平最高;液体饮料类总糖含量范围为2.20~11.5g/100g(mL),以葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖为主,咖啡饮料、蛋白饮料、奶茶等饮料中含有部分乳糖;乳和乳制品类糖组分分布差异较大(6.06~46.0g/100g),纯牛乳中主要含有天然来源的乳糖(5.89g/100mL),舒化奶中乳糖经过分解后含有较多的半乳糖和葡萄糖,调味乳和其它乳制品中除含有部分天然乳糖,还增加较多的蔗糖成分;饼干类总糖含量范围为2.39~27.2 g/100g;糕点类总糖含糖范围为10.5~26.8 g/100g,面包类总糖含量范围为7.97~18.0 g/100g,饼干、糕点和面包类食品中主要的单体糖成分为蔗糖,面包中麦芽糖含量较高,奶油夹心类的食品中乳糖含量较高;糖和糖果类总糖含量范围为28.8~73.0 g/100g,除蜂蜜中葡萄糖和果糖含量较高,其它均含有较高的蔗糖;水果制品类总糖含量范围为11.6~65.9g/100g,该类食品中葡萄糖和果糖是主要的单体糖成分。以上结果说明,在描述各类食品糖含量水平时,除基本的食品分类外,还应根据工艺、口味等因素进行进一步的亚类划分,才可更为精确地描述各(亚类)食品糖含量的集中趋势。通过与美国同类食品的总糖含量的比较,可以发现,本研究获得的冰激凌、糕点和非夹心饼干类食品总糖含量明显低于美国同类食品(pK0.05),而全麦面包、发酵饼干和原味酸奶的总糖含量高于美国同类食品(p0.05)。3.居民含糖食品消费状况和糖摄入量评估2015年《中国健康与营养调查》共包括15个省17660名居民(男性8421名,女性9239名),其中有1次以上含糖预包装食品消费记录的人群共5980名(男性2685名,女性3295名),占总人数的33.9%,女性比例略高于男性(分别为35.7%和31.9%,p0.001)。在这些含糖食品消费人群(5980名)中,纯牛乳类消费人群构成比最高(44.2%),其次为面包类(28.5%)、糕点类(23.8%)和乳制品类(22.2%)食品。根据每类食品的消费量和糖含量水平,计算获得来自预包装食品的总糖摄入量中位数为10.5g/d,其中蔗糖的摄入水平中位数为4.0g/d,其次是乳糖3.9g/d,与食品消费构成有关。总糖上四分位数(P75)和下四分位数(P25)分别为5.1 g/d和19.0 g/d,其中有15.8%含糖食品消费人群(945名)总糖摄入水平超过25 g/d。不同年龄组间,6-17岁、18-44岁、45-59岁和60岁及以上总糖摄入量中位数分别为11.6g/d、10.2g/d、10.1g/d、11.0g/d,以6-17岁和60岁及以上人群总糖摄入量最高(p0.001),男女性别间总糖摄入水平差异无统计学意义。4.各类食品消费人群糖摄入状况由于消费人群对各类食品消费选择的差异较大,本研究也进一步分析了各类食品消费人群由该类食品获得的糖摄入水平,发现选择乳类制品的消费者糖摄入量为9.3 g/d,选择水果制品类的消费者总糖摄入量为8.3 g/d,选择糕点类的消费者总糖摄入量为7.1 g/d;不同年龄人群在食品类别选择上有一定倾向性,6-17岁和18-44岁人群更愿意选择纯牛乳和面包,60岁及以上人群更愿意选择纯牛乳和糕点(p0.05)。结论1.本研究测定分析了大量含糖预包装食品中半乳糖、葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、乳糖和麦芽糖的含量,首次根据食品分类、工艺、口味建立了含糖预包装食品糖含量分布,为我国的糖摄入量评估及其与健康关系的研究等提供数据依据。2.我国与美国同类含糖食品的总糖含量相比,冰激凌、面包、饼干、糕点和原味酸奶的总糖含量均存在统计学差异,因此我国含糖食品的糖含量数据更适用于评估我国居民糖摄入水平。3.我国6岁及以上含糖食品消费居民总糖的摄入水平中位数为10.5g/d,其中蔗糖是我国居民从含糖预包装食品中摄入较多的单体糖,其次为乳糖。2015年我国含糖预包装食品的消费人群百分比为33.9%,女性消费人群百分比高于男性。纯牛乳类、面包类、糕点类和乳制品类食品的消费人群较多。
[Abstract]:Background and objective in recent years, excessive intake of sugar impact on health has aroused wide attention at home and abroad, including but not limited to, with the increase of metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, risk of dental caries [1,2,3]. diseases such as this, the WHO (WHO) advise people to reduce sugar free throughout the life course (Free Sugar) intake, daily intake of adults and children with free sugar control in the energy supply ratio is less than 10%; if you can further be reduced to 5%, will bring more benefits in the [4]. of China's dietary guidelines China residents released the latest "to health (2016) >[5] also pointed out that the residents to control the added sugar (Added Sugar) recommended intake, not more than 50 g/d, the best control in less than 25 g/d, thus grasp the sugar intake level of residents is very important. Conceptually, add sugar refers to the food processing and preparation Add the sugar component or add to the table of food in the sugar free sugar [4]; refers to the producers or consumers, cook food supplements and natural monosaccharides and disaccharides in honey, syrup, juice and concentrated juice sugar in [4], although the types and sources of the two concepts on the sugar contained sugar this may be different, analysis of the impact of technology, but expressed in natural foods other than in food processing added sugar meaning. In recent years with the rapid development of domestic economy and the improvement of living standards, the pre packaged food containing sugar (hereinafter referred to as "sugary foods") consumption level continue to increase, so in addition to natural food and cooking with sugar, sugar containing food consumption has become an important source of sugar intake, but due to the lack of food and sugar content pre packaging data, so far our country about to Since the pre packaged food intake of sugar less to assess the level of research, although Liu Su [6] had reported residents of China's sugar intake, but the sugar content of the basic data of food from the United States food composition database, so there may be some deviation. This study aims to: 1. in the establishment of pre packaged food for galactose. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, maltose determination analysis technique based on the completion of 8 kinds of food containing sugar sugar content and distribution measurement statistics; 15 provinces with 2. residents in the dietary survey of pre packaged food consumption data from the pre packaged food intake of sugar levels were assessed. 1.1 samples were collected by 1 methods pre packaged food sugar content: according to the classification of food, taste, technology, the establishment of eight kinds of sugar containing pre packaged food samples, selection of Beijing city logistics volume larger integrated supermarket site sampling, sampling varieties According to the similar food market share ranking or consumption frequency, select the top ranked brand products, and ultimately determine the samples for 82 drinks, biscuits 53, bread 28, pastry 44, milk and dairy products 63, sugar candy and sweets instant class 16, class 47, fruit the 25 kind of products (including biscuits, instant sweets, milk and dairy products and beverages contain some claiming to be "sugar free", "low sugar" or "low sugar food); each sample in accordance with more than 3 batches, each batch of more than 3 packages were sampled according to the mixed packing after the test of the principle of equal quality. In addition acquisition claiming to be" sugar free "," determination of low sugar or sugar free foods.1.2 sample: the establishment of sugar content of galactose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, maltose on-line simultaneous determination of ion exchange chromatography, in accordance with the method of linear method The range, accuracy, reproducibility and detection limit parameters for evaluation. Complete the determination of 6 kinds of single sugar content in all kinds of foods on the basis of this, and calculate the total sugar content (hereinafter referred to as "sugar").1.3 statistical analysis: according to the food process, sub categories of all kinds of food taste stratification further, statistics (including various subtypes) distribution of food sugar levels; according to similar comparison principle with the United States food composition database of sugar content were compared; all of the samples and the sugar content that "the national food safety standards of pre packaged food nutrition label general > (GB 28050) the relevant provisions of comparison, judgment with the establishment of sugar content claims.2 sugar content of food packaging pre data application in the assessment of sugar intake in 2.1 residents surveyed the crowd: according to the 2015" Chinese health and nutrition survey project in Liaoning, Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan, Lake North, Hunan, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guizhou, Heilongjiang, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Shanxi, Zhejiang and Yunnan 15 survey area residents dietary survey record (3 days and 24 hour dietary recall method), were once more sugary and pre packaged food consumption records of residents aged 6 years and above as "food containing sugar. Consumer groups, as the sugar intake assessment was used to evaluate the sugar intake among.2.2 from pre packaged food: according to the surveyed population drinks, biscuits, bread, pastry, pure milk, dairy products, instant sugar and sweets, candy and fruit products of 9 kinds of pre packaged food consumption records and statistics of all kinds of food containing sugar. The number of records of consumption percentage of the surveyed sugary food consumption of the total population; according to all kinds of food containing sugar consumption value multiplied by the corresponding sugar content, cumulative statistics of each single sugar and total sugar intake levels and different types; The type of food consumption among sugar intake levels, and analysis of age, gender differences on sugary food consumption trends. All statistics were analyzed by SAS 9.2 software. Results of the 1. detection methods established by to establish a method for determination of sugar, established the basic detection process, the sample with petroleum ether to remove fat, zinc acetate and potassium ferrocyanide after removal of protein, by solid phase extraction column to remove zinc ions, separation and determination of the quantitative application of ion chromatography, the precision of the relative standard deviation was less than 10%, the recovery rate was 97.6% ~ 104.6%, the detection limit lower than 0.06 mg/L, proved that the established method can be used for the accurate determination of sugar content of food containing sugar.2. pre packaged food total sugar and each single sugar content and distribution of this research completed beverages, biscuits, bread, cakes, milk and dairy products, ready to eat sweets, sugar and sweets and fruits Analysis of sugar content in products such as the 8 class of 358 samples, the results showed that (in average), all kinds of food by food category, process, the effect of sugar content distribution is quite different flavors, including instant sweets like the total sugar content is 1.67 ~ 69.1 g/100g, with the highest level of sucrose content; total sugar content of liquid beverages the range is 2.20 to 11.5g/100g (mL), glucose, fructose, sucrose, coffee drinks, protein drinks, tea and other drinks containing lactose; milk and dairy products like sugar component distribution differences (6.06 ~ 46.0g/100g), pure milk contains a natural source of lactose, lactose Shu (5.89g/100mL) milk after decomposition contains a lot of galactose and glucose, flavored milk and other dairy products in addition to containing natural lactose, sucrose added ingredients; biscuit total sugar content was in the range of 2.39 ~ 27.2 g/100g; total sugar sugar cake The range is 10.5 ~ 26.8 g/100g, bread total sugar content ranged from 7.97 to 18 g/100g, biscuits, pastries and bakery products in the main monomer sugars sucrose, high maltose content in bread and butter sandwich, higher lactose content of foods; candy sugar and total sugar content ranged from 28.8 to 73 g/100g, in addition to high glucose and fructose content in honey, other contain more sugar; fruit products of total sugar content in the range of 11.6 ~ 65.9g/100g, glucose and fructose in food is the main component of sugar monomers. The above results showed that, in the description of all kinds of food sugar levels, in addition to the basic categories of food also, according to the process, taste factors such as subdivision further, it can more accurately describe the central tendency (subgroup) sugar content of food. By comparing the total sugar content and the kind of food that can be made Now, the research of ice cream, cakes and biscuits sandwich the total sugar content was significantly lower than that of the United States (pK0.05), and similar food whole wheat bread, the total sugar content of yogurt fermented biscuit and similar food is higher than in the United States (P0.05).3. residents food containing sugar consumption and sugar intake and health assessment in 2015 < Chinese Nutrition Survey > including a total of 15 17660 inhabitants (8421 males, 9239 females), which has more than 1 sugar pre packaged food consumption recorded a total of 5980 people (2685 male, 3295 female), the total number of 33.9%, the proportion of women than men (35.7% and 31.9%, p0.001). In these sugary food consumption crowd (5980), which is the highest in pure milk consumer groups (44.2%), followed by bread pastry (28.5%), (23.8%) and dairy products (22.2%). According to the food consumption of each kind of food and sugar levels The median total sugar intake, calculated from the pre packaged food is 10.5g/d, the median intake levels of sucrose was 4.0g/d, followed by 3.9g/d lactose, relating to food consumption. Total sugar on the four percentile (P75) and four percentile (P25) were 5.1 g/d and 19 g/d, including 15.8% with sugar food consumer groups (945) of total sugar intake levels of more than 25 g/d. among different age groups, 6-17 years, 18-44 years, 45-59 years and 60 years of age and above the median total sugar intake were 11.6g/d, 10.2g/d, 10.1g/d, 11.0g/d, 6-17 and 60 years old and above population total sugar intake was highest (p0.001). The sex between total sugar intake level was no significant difference in.4. of various types of food consumption sugar intake status due to large differences in consumer groups of all kinds of food consumption, this study also further analyzed the various types of food consumer groups obtained by this kind of food Sugar intake, selection of dairy products to consumers of sugar intake was 9.3 g/d, a selection of fruit products to consumers of total sugar intake was 8.3 g/d, the consumer choice of pastry total sugar intake was 7.1 g/d; different age groups have certain tendency in the food category selection, 6-17 and 18-44 years old people are more willing to choose pure milk and bread, people aged 60 and above are more willing to choose pure milk and cakes (P0.05). 1. this study conclusion the determination analysis of a large number of pre packaged food containing sugar galactose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose and maltose content, for the first time according to the classification of food, craft, taste sugar pre established the distribution of sugar content of food packaging, compared to assess the sugar intake of our total sugar content of sugar containing food and its relation with health research to provide the data basis for.2. in China with the same kind of ice cream, bread, biscuits and cakes. The total sugar content of yogurt showed significant difference, so the sugar content data of China's sugar food is more suitable for the assessment of intake of Chinese residents median sugar intake levels of.3. aged 6 and above in China sugar food consumption of total sugar is 10.5g/d, which is a single sugar sucrose in China from packaging the food intake of sugar in pre, followed by the percentage of lactose in China.2015 sugar pre packaged food consumption population was 33.9%. The percentage of female consumer groups than men. Pure milk, bread, pastry and dairy products more food consumption crowd.



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1 刘素;中国居民2002-2012年含糖食物消费状况、变化及其与超重肥胖的关系[D];中国疾病预防控制中心;2016年

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