本文关键词: 安全管理 施工管理 施工流程 安全生产工艺 过程四要素 出处:《华中科技大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The incidence of accidents in the construction industry is high. According to relevant statistics, the number of accident casualties in this industry is only lower than that in the mining industry, and as a pillar industry of the national economy, The situation of production safety has been widely concerned by all walks of life. This paper takes the construction process as the breakthrough point, draws lessons from the theory of process management, essential safety theory, accident cause theory, system engineering theory, etc. Innovating the safety control method and putting forward the theory and method of construction safety production technology. Firstly, the method uses the thought of process management to analyze the construction production process, and obtains the corresponding construction process. Constructing the four elements of each process (process) and analyzing the risk factors of each element and the risk of accident type from the angle of essential safety and accident cause, then combining with the risk analysis matrix, The risk of risk factors and accident types are evaluated, and the corresponding risk levels are classified. Furthermore, the risk factors and accident type risks are analyzed and the evaluation results are combined organically, the process flow of construction, the risk of accident type and the risk of accident type are analyzed. Forming the flow chart of safety work. Using the theory and method of construction safety production technology, the typical sub-projects (formwork engineering, reinforcement engineering, concrete engineering) are analyzed. In order to verify the feasibility of this method in controlling the safety risk factors in construction site, finally, taking a project tracking and investigation as an example, the paper analyzes the risk factors on site by using the method of construction safety production technology. On the basis of the flow chart of safety operation, this paper attempts to develop and design the corresponding products and tools for the application practice of construction safety production technology to the relevant team operators and managers.
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