本文选题:人口老龄化 切入点:养老金制度 出处:《西北师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Years are always the natural life stage that people will encounter under the premise of health. In old age, people lose their ability to work and gradually withdraw from participating in social labor activities, and accordingly, In order to avoid their basic standard of living after retirement, the working income of the elderly to secure a standard of living has been gradually reduced or lost. The government has forced workers to save during their working hours by establishing an old-age security system, as well as some financial subsidies to cope with the risk of old age. With modern living standards and health care. Improvement in the level of health services, The fertility rate of the population has dropped substantially, the aging of the elderly population is widespread, and the dependency ratio of the elderly population has increased substantially, resulting in a decrease in the number of working people who contribute to pensions and an increase in the number of elderly people receiving pensions. The existing old-age security system and pension payment mode are facing persistent challenges, both institutionally and financially. This paper selects Gansu Province as the research area, taking the aging population as the background. Through the statistical analysis of the age structure of the population and the level of economic development in the region, as well as the status of pension income and expenditure, the reality of pension income and expenditure in Gansu Province is obtained, taking into account the sustained and rapid growth of the aging population, A series of factors, such as the cost of transition caused by the historical change of pension system and the rising living cost of the elderly with the development of economy, are established through the establishment of the corresponding pension calculation model, and in the long run, In order to prevent the pension from becoming financially unsustainable, to ensure the government to deal with the pension payment crisis and to make up for the pension gap, the article tries to make up for the level of economic development in Gansu Province. Referring to the measures taken in developed regions to deal with the pension payment crisis, this paper puts forward some feasible measures for Gansu Province: the government develops a multi-level supplementary pension insurance system by promoting gradual delay in retirement. Establish pension insurance risk reserve fund and other policies in Gansu Province to make up for the gap in pension payment caused by the deepening aging of the population; in view of the historical debt of pension, That is, the policy transition cost caused by the change of pension financing mode from the original pay-as-you-go system to the partial accumulation system is made up by the scientific transfer of state-owned assets and the issuance of government bonds. To deal with the risks of output fluctuations and inflation in the macro economy, we need to consider low-risk, valuable investments in pensions to ensure that they maintain and increase their value. Pension insurance is the most complex type of insurance that needs to pass through the country, through enterprises, Individuals participate together to ensure the sustainability of pension insurance system and financial sustainability.
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