本文选题:腐蚀 + 金属材料 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In daily production and life, corrosion of metal materials and products is very common, such as kitchen utensils corrosion, hull corrosion, vehicle hull corrosion, marine drilling platform corrosion, etc. as one of the main failure forms of metal materials, there are typical corrosion forms in natural environment, such as sea water, large gas, soil and so on, acid, alkali and salt in industrial application. Medium is also the main form of metal corrosion. Statistical data from the Chinese Academy of engineering showed that the economic loss caused by corrosion damage of materials reached 480 billion yuan a year in China. According to the survey data of the British Oceanic Bureau, the annual output of oil was reduced by about 13% due to corrosion failure of materials. It will cause serious economic losses and may induce catastrophic accidents. Therefore, it is of great academic significance and good importance to study the failure mechanism and Weakening Mechanism of metal materials under corrosive environment. It is of great academic significance and good importance to evaluate the service reliability of metal materials and their products, and to improve and improve the corrosion resistance of metal materials. On the basis of the review and analysis of the material environment test and the development status at home and abroad in the related fields, the paper puts forward the requirement of the mechanical behavior test under the corrosive environment, and puts forward the mechanical behavior and loss of the typical metal materials, such as steel and aluminum, by simulating the corrosion environment of the metal materials in the industrial medium. Experimental study on the mechanism of injury. In the experiment, acid, alkali and salt are used as the main corrosion medium. The test parameters are used in different solvents, concentration and corrosion time respectively. The mechanical properties of the multi load multi physical field coupling materials developed by the project group are used to test the mechanical properties of the materials before the corrosion, and the test knot is carried out. The effect mechanism of different corrosion environment on mechanical properties and failure behavior of metal materials was analyzed by means of finite element simulation analysis, determination analysis of element surface element content and microscopic morphology observation and analysis. The paper is the metal sample of different corrosion medium concentration and different corrosion time. The tensile and bending tests were carried out and the tensile and bending test curves were measured. The effects of corrosion medium concentration and corrosion time on the mechanical properties of Q235 steel and 7075 aluminum alloy were compared. It was found that after acid corrosion, the yield strength and tensile strength of Q235 steel decreased with the corrosion concentration or the corrosion concentration. The decrease of corrosion time increases and the yield strength and tensile strength of Q235 steel decrease slightly after alkaline corrosion of sodium hydroxide, and the mechanical properties of Q235 steel are very small or basically unchanged after sodium chloride corrosion. After acid corrosion and alkaline corrosion of sodium hydroxide, the yield strength of.7075 aluminum is strong. The corrosion resistance of Q235 steel is better than that of 7075 aluminum, and acid corrosion is more affected by acid corrosion than alkali corrosion. The microstructure of the material after corrosion of metal material is observed and formed. It is found that after acid corrosion of hydrochloric acid and corrosion of metal material aluminum through hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, the corrosion surface has small cracks with different depths, the corrosion morphology is irregular and the acid corrosion degree is relatively deep. The surface composition content of the material after corrosion is also obviously changed, the main component of the surface is iron or aluminum. The relative content of the other impurities is higher for the decrease of the content and the relative content of the oxygen element on the surface due to corrosion or oxidation. Through the mechanical performance test of the multi load force thermal coupling before and after the corrosion of the metal steel and aluminum, the paper finds that in the pretension torsion test, the torsion test is carried out when the elastic phase is prestretched. The mechanical properties, such as torsion yield strength and torsion strength, have a downward trend. When the material is cold and hardened after the plastic stage is pre stretched and twisted, the change of mechanical properties is smaller after the corrosion. In the pre torsion tensile test, when the pre torsion angle is at the plastic stage, the corrosion is also hardened because of the material cold. The mechanical properties, such as tensile yield strength and tensile strength, are slightly smaller than that of non corrosion. In the thermal coupling test, the mechanical properties of the material after corrosion are increased as the material is affected by the temperature softening effect.
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