[Abstract]:Objective To study the effect of self - management intervention on patients with stroke recovery period , to evaluate the effect of self - management intervention , to evaluate the effect of self - management intervention and to improve the quality of life and subjective well - being of stroke patients .
Results 1 . The knowledge of stroke knowledge , self - efficacy , self - management behavior and subjective well - being and the influence factors of self - management were analyzed .
The self - efficacy of patients with stroke recovery was 5.43 + 1.76 , of which 64.4 % had a low level of self - efficacy and 36.6 % were at a high level ;
The self - management behavior of patients with stroke recovery period was 150 . 55 卤 37.11 , and the index score was 59.0 % . The overall level of self - management behavior in 44.5 % was at low level .
The quality of life of patients with stroke recovery period was 206 . 47 卤 34.13 , the score of index was 69.99 % , the overall level was middle level , the score of each dimension index was from high to low in order : communication ability ( 86.3 % ) , memory and thought ( 80.9 % ) , strength gas ( 78.8 % ) , hand function ( 76.4 % ) , emotion ( 72.85 % ) , action ability ( 62.8 % ) , daily life ( 60.9 % ) , social participation ( 54.2 % ) ;
The total score of SWB in stroke recovery period was 29.47 卤 4.87 , the positive emotion score was 6.26 卤 1.19 , negative emotion score was 4.61 卤 1.21 , positive emotion score was 8.25 卤 1.75 , negative experience score was lower than that of domestic norm , negative emotion , negative experience score higher than that of domestic norm , negative emotion , negative experience score higher than that of domestic norm , negative emotion , negative experience score higher than domestic norm , negative emotion , negative experience score higher than domestic norm , negative emotion , negative experience score higher than the domestic norm , the difference is statistically significant ( P0.01 ) 3 . Single factor analysis result shows that the total score of patients ' self - management behavior is statistically significant ( P0.01 ) .
Correlation analysis showed that stroke knowledge ( r = 0.579 , P0.01 ) , self - efficacy ( r = 0.312 , P0.01 ) , social support ( r = 0.312 , P0.01 ) , social support ( r = 0.239 - 0.382 , P0.01 ) , social support ( r = 0.239 - 0.368 , P0.01 ) , subjective well - being ( r = 0.289 - 0.368 , P0.01 ) , subjective well - being ( r = 0.289 - 0.368 , P0.01 ) , subjective well - being ( r = 0.289 - 0.368 , P0.01 ) .
Multivariate stepwise regression analysis showed that the degree of culture , knowledge of stroke , social support , self - efficacy and quality of life were the main influencing factors of self - management behavior in patients with stroke recovery .
In terms of quality of life , the difference was statistically significant ( P0.05 or P0.01 ) in the aspects of strength , memory and thinking , daily activity , action ability , hand function , social participation and quality of life , but there was no significant difference in emotion and communication ability ( P0.05 ) ;
The scores of subjective well - being , subjective well - being and scores of each dimension were not statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .
Subjective well - being , positive emotion , positive experience score and subjective well - being were significantly improved before intervention ( P0.01 ) , while negative emotion and negative experience score decreased significantly before intervention ( P0.01 ) .
The positive emotion , positive experience score and subjective well - being of intervention group were higher than those in the control group ( P0.01 ) .
The self - efficacy level of patients with stroke recovery period was poor , and the self - efficacy level of 64.4 % patients was at a low level ;
The self - management behavior of patients with stroke recovery period was generally at a moderate level . 2 . The total score of social support and the scores of each dimension in stroke recovery period were lower than that of domestic norm ;
4 . Self - management intervention measures effectively improve the knowledge level of stroke knowledge of patients , enhance the self - confidence of patients ' self - management , promote the establishment of effective self - management behavior of patients , and help to improve the quality of life and subjective well - being of patients .
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