发布时间:2018-07-14 21:42
【摘要】:作为资金融通的中介机构,商业银行在国民经济中发挥着重要的基础性作用,关系着广大人民的切身利益。随着各国的金融改革和金融创新,全球性金融体系的建立使得对银行业的监管迫在眉睫。1974年美国富兰克林国民银行和德国赫斯塔特银行在国际金融创新发展的初期双双倒闭,揭示了在经济全球化浪潮中,商业银行面临着巨大的潜在风险。在时代的召唤下,巴塞尔委员会应运而生。1988年,其出台了《统一资本计量和资本标准的国际协议》即《巴塞尔协议Ⅰ》,从资本定义、最低资本要求和风险加权系数方面首次提出了统一的国际银行资本监管标准,创造了良好的外部环境,促进了全球银行业的稳步发展。但是《巴塞尔协议I》风险定义较为狭隘,没有囊括银行面临的全部类型的风险,同时资本的划分不太清楚,资本定义过于宽泛,影响了资本质量。基于《巴塞尔协议Ⅰ》的缺陷,2004年巴塞尔协会出台了《统一资本计量和资本标准的国际协议:修订框架》即《巴塞尔协议Ⅱ》,形成了以银行最低资本要求、监管当局的监督检查和市场约束三大支柱为主的资本监管框架,在风险覆盖范围和计算方法取得了突破性的进展,但仍然存在模型复杂度高且难以使用、资本的风险覆盖范围狭窄且顺周期性强、对表外业务和“影子银行”体系监管不足等问题。2008年金融危机的爆发揭示了《巴塞尔协议Ⅱ》的弊端和不足,巴赛尔协会在广泛讨论的基础上于2010年正式发布了《巴塞尔协议Ⅲ》,主要从微观审慎和宏观审慎两方面加强全球金融风险的监管。在微观方面完善了资本框架,扩大了风险覆盖范围,在最低资本要求的基础上引入了杠杆率指标和流动性监管指标;在宏观方面设定了资本预留缓冲、逆周期资本缓冲和针对系统重要性银行的额外资本要求。 《巴塞尔协议Ⅲ》是对《巴塞尔协议Ⅱ》有效的补充和改进,是全球金融体系监管的进步。为了与国际银行监管标准接轨,更严格地监管国内银行,中国银监会相继出台了一系列指引文件,同时也结合我国银行业的实际情况做出了一定修改,具有更强的针对性、灵活性和可操作性。其中,2004年出台的《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》(本文称为旧《办法》)和2012年出台的《商业银行资本管理办法(试行)》(本文称为新《办法》)在资本监管方面对我国商业银行有重要的影响,其中之一就是对商业银行信贷结构的影响。监管机构的资本监管在限制银行信贷行为的同时会改变商业银行的风险偏好,从而激励其调整信贷结构。商业银行的信贷结构决定了资金的流向,既关系到银行的盈利状况与风险水平,又对个人和企业的融资和发展产生重要影响。当前我国商业银行的信贷结构存在诸多问题亟待调整,因此,本文试图通过银行分类的横向对比和监管时期分类的纵向对比,就资本监管与信贷结构的关系进行研究。首先,本文从资本监管对银行信贷供给和信贷结构的影响这两方面对国内外相关文献作大致的梳理发现:在资本监管与商业银行信贷供给关系方面,国外学者的研究结论大多是资本监管对商业银行的信贷供给行为会造成一定的抑制作用,并从资本监管导致商业银行信贷收缩传导机制和资本监管对不同银行信贷供给的影响程度方面进行研究,而国内学者研究结论分为不显著相关与显著相关两种,并从资本监管对不同银行、不同时期的影响程度方面进行研究;在资本监管与商业银行信贷结构关系方面,国内外学者的研究都明显分为两派,一派认为资本监管会导致商业银行增加信贷资产中的风险较高的资产,即会增加企业贷款、信用贷款、中长期贷款等,而另一派持相反观点。本文在归纳前辈学者的研究基础上,通过理论模型与实证分析相结合的方式,研究资本监管对我国上市商业银行信贷结构的影响。在理论研究方面,本文通过三个模型论证资本监管与商业银行信贷结构的关系: (1)利用均值-方差模型研究资本监管下商业银行最优资产配置点并比较不同资本水平的商业银行的资产配置方案的差异; (2)从利润函数的角度出发,利用商业银行的资产负债表,寻找商业银行在成本-收益衡量下的最优利润方程,并求解得出资本水平与信贷行为的关系; (3)建立简单线性规划模型,在高风险信贷资产和低风险信贷资产配置的可行域中寻找最优配置方案并比较实际资本充足率不同的银行配置方案的差异。在实证研究方面,本文的思路是比较从旧《办法》到新《办法》监管时期,资本严格的管制是否影响商业银行信贷结构。本文选用2009年到2015年6月我国15家上市商业银行的半年度数据,包括中国工商银行(GS)、中国建设银行(JS)、中国银行(ZG)、中国农业银行(NY)、招商银行(ZS)、交通银行(JT)、浦发银行(PF)、民生银行(MS)、兴业银行(XY)、宁波银行(NB)、中信银行(ZX)、光大银行(GD)、北京银行(BJ)、华夏银行(HX)、平安银行(PA),(由于南京银行可获得数据有限,因此不纳入样本),共195(13*15)个数据。本文中的被解释变量为信贷结构(LS),主要包括个人贷款占总贷款的比例(IL)、公司贷款占总贷款的比例(CL)、个人住房抵押贷款占个人贷款的比例(IHL)、信用贷款占总贷款的比例(XL)。商业银行的资本水平主要通过四类指标衡量: (1)资本充足率水平(ZC); (2)核心资本充足率水平(HZC); (3)以0、2%、4%为阈值划分超额资本充足率得出的虚拟变量(ZC_1、ZC_2、ZC_3);(4)以分布函数的均值和方差为标志划分超额资本充足率得出的虚拟变量(SWC、WC、UC)。另外,本文将影响银行信贷行为的银行内部变量和宏观经济变量作为控制变量,主要包括银行规模(AR)、资产收益率(ROA)、存贷比(LD)、净利息收入比(NIL)、股东权益比(EA)、不良贷款率(DL)、拨备覆盖率(BB)、GDP增长率(GG)、通货膨胀率(CPIG)。本文认为商业银行的信贷结构主要是受上一期的资本水平和上一期的银行内部结构和宏观经济的影响,在此基础上建立静态面板模型进行回归分析,从多个角度衡量和比较以得到稳健的实证结果: (1)从上市商业银行整体出发,研究在旧《办法》和新《办法》监管时期资本监管与信贷结构的关系。从时间效应上看,我国商业银行的信贷结构日趋平稳和合理,15家上市商业银行个人贷款占比逐年上升,公司贷款占比逐年下降,信用贷款占比有小幅回升;从回归分析上看,通过四个模型反复论证资本监管与信贷结构的关系,在旧《办法》下,资本充足率水平与商业银行个人贷款占比负相关、公司贷款占比正相关、信用贷款占比正相关、个人住房抵押贷款占比负相关;在新《办法》下,前三类关系保持不变,但第四类关系由负相关变为正相关,这主要是受到监管部门调高个人住房抵押贷款的风险权重系数的影响。(2)按所有制形式分类研究资本监管对上市商业银行信贷结构影响。资本监管对两类银行信贷结构的影响方向大致相同,但资本充足率水平对股份制商业银行信贷结构的影响更为显著,监管机构通过资本监管调控商业银行的信贷结构对股份制商业银行的效果更为明显。(3)按资本充足程度分类研究上市商业银行资本监管对信贷结构影响。本文根据2009年到2015年上市商业银行的以总资产为权重的加权平均超额资本充足率,将15家商业银行划分为资本充足类和资本限制类商业银行,通过回归分析,资本监管对两类银行信贷结构的影响方向大致相同,但资本限制类商业银行信贷结构受资本充足率水平的影响更为显著。总体而言,商业银行会根据自身的资本水平不断调整信贷结构,资本水平越低(高)、受资本限制越大(小)的商业银行更倾向于发放低(高)风险、资本消耗较少(多)的贷款。最后,在理论推导和实证分析的基础上,本文从监管部门和商业银行两方面提出政策建议。在监管部门方面: (1)坚持以资本监管为核心,实施差异化监管,建立健全的风险监督体系; (2)监管部门各司其职,减少利益输送和责任推卸,同时加强与各商业银行的交流沟通,建立相应的激励政策和惩罚手段; (3)发展我国股票市场、提供品种丰富的融资工具、培育新兴债权市场、积极拓展融资渠道,在缓解中小企业融资困难的同时,增加银行资本补充途径,提高我国经济运行效率。在商业银行方面:(1)建立长期稳定的多方资本补充机制,定期通过压力测试检验资本的必要补充量,以免突发事件使商业银行面临较大的资本风险;(2)深入推进信贷结构调整,发展资本节约型的业务模式; (3)加强风险防控,提高风险精细化管理水平,密切监测信贷资金,以确保资金流向实体经济而非金融投机活动。本文在借鉴前辈研究成果的基础上,主要对资本监管和中国上市商业银行的信贷结构的关系进行了尝试性探索,目的是通过资本监管措施为优化调整我国商业银行信贷结构建言献策。但是由于本人理论知识和实践经验的欠缺,文中一定存在许多问题和不足,本人将在今后的学习与工作中不断探索、积极进取,努力提高自身的学术水平与实践能力。感谢评审专家和答辩专家的批评指正!
[Abstract]:As the intermediaries of financial intermediation, commercial banks play an important basic role in the national economy, which is related to the vital interests of the people. With the financial innovation and financial innovation of various countries, the establishment of the global financial system makes the supervision of the banking industry imminent in the.1974 National Bank of Franklin and Germany. At the beginning of the international financial innovation and development, state bank collapsed, which revealed that in the wave of economic globalization, commercial banks faced great potential risks. Under the call of the times, the Basel committee came into being for.1988 years, which introduced the international agreement of the unified capital measurement and capital standard, that is, the Basel agreement I. This definition, the minimum capital requirement and the risk weighting coefficient for the first time put forward a unified international bank capital regulation standard, created a good external environment, and promoted the steady development of the global banking industry. But the risk definition of the "Basel agreement I>" is narrower, not covering all types of risks faced by the bank, while the capital is delimit. It is not clear that the definition of capital is too broad to affect the quality of capital. Based on the defects of the Basel agreement I, the Basel Association introduced the international agreement on the unified capital measurement and capital standards in 2004: the revised framework > < Basel agreement II >, forming the minimum capital requirements of the bank, supervision and inspection of the regulatory authorities and market constraints. The capital supervision framework based on the three pillars has made a breakthrough in the scope of risk coverage and the method of calculation. However, there is still a high complexity of the model and difficult to use, the narrow and cyclical risk coverage of capital, the lack of supervision over the outside of the watch business and the "shadow banking" system, the outbreak of the.2008 financial crisis. The abuses and shortcomings of the "Basel II" were revealed. On the basis of extensive discussion, the Basel association formally issued the "Basel Agreement III" on the basis of extensive discussion in 2010. It mainly strengthened the supervision of global financial risks from two aspects of micro prudence and macro prudence. The capital framework was improved in the microcosmic aspect, the coverage of risk was expanded, and the minimum capital needed to be made. On the basis of the demand, the leverage index and liquidity regulatory index are introduced, the capital reserve buffer, the reverse cycle capital buffer and the additional capital requirements for the system importance banks are set in the macro aspect. < Basel III > is an effective supplement and improvement to the Basel agreement II, and is the progress of the global financial system regulation. The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) has issued a series of guidance documents and has made some amendments to the actual situation of China's banking industry, which has more pertinence, flexibility and maneuverability. In 2004, the management method of capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks was introduced. This article, which is called the old "method", and the capital management method of Commercial Bank (Trial) issued in 2012, has an important influence on the commercial banks of our country, one of which is the impact on the credit structure of commercial banks. The supervision of the regulatory agency will change the business of bank credit at the same time. The risk preference of the industrial bank encourages it to adjust the credit structure. The credit structure of the commercial bank determines the flow of funds, not only related to the bank's profit and risk level, but also to the financing and development of individuals and enterprises. The paper tries to study the relationship between capital supervision and credit structure through the horizontal comparison of the bank classification and the longitudinal comparison of the regulatory period classification. First, this paper makes a general review of the two aspects of the impact of capital regulation on the supply of bank credit and the credit structure: the capital supervision and commercial banks. In terms of the relationship of credit supply, most of the foreign scholars' research conclusions are that capital supervision has a certain inhibitory effect on the credit supply behavior of commercial banks, and studies the influence degree of the credit contraction transmission mechanism of commercial banks and capital supervision on the supply of different bank credit from the capital supervision, and the domestic scholars study the research. The conclusion is divided into two kinds of non significant correlation and significant correlation, and the influence degree of different banks and different periods is studied from capital supervision. In the relation of capital supervision and commercial bank credit structure, both domestic and foreign scholars' research are obviously divided into two schools, one believes that capital supervision will lead commercial banks to increase credit assets. The higher risk assets will increase enterprise loans, credit loans, medium and long term loans, while the other holds the opposite view. On the basis of the study of predecessors and scholars, this paper studies the influence of capital supervision on the credit structure of Chinese listed commercial banks through the combination of theoretical model and empirical analysis. This paper demonstrates the relationship between capital supervision and credit structure of commercial banks through three models: (1) use the mean variance model to study the optimal asset allocation point of commercial banks under capital supervision and compare the differences in asset allocation schemes of commercial banks with different capital levels. (2) from the angle of the profit function, the capital of commercial banks is used. The balance sheet is used to find the optimal profit equation of the commercial banks under the cost income measure, and to find out the relationship between the capital level and the credit behavior. (3) a simple linear programming model is established to find the best allocation scheme in the feasible region of high risk credit assets and low risk credit assets and to compare the actual capital adequacy ratio. In the case of empirical research, the idea of this article is to compare whether the strict regulation of capital affects the credit structure of commercial banks from the old "method > to the new method >". This article selects the six months degree of the 15 listed commercial banks in China from 2009 to June 2015, including the ICBC (GS), and China's construction Silver JS, ZG, NY, ZS, JT, PF, MS, XY, Ningbo Bank (NB), CITIC Bank (ZX), the Bank of China (GD), the Bank of Beijing (BJ), the Bank of China, and Ping An Bank (because the Bank of Nanjing can obtain limited data, so it is not included), A total of 195 (13*15) data. The explanatory variables in this article are the credit structure (LS), mainly including the proportion of personal loans to total loans (IL), the proportion of corporate loans to total loans (CL), the proportion of individual housing mortgages to individual loans (IHL), the proportion of credit to total loans (XL). The capital level of commercial banks is mainly through the four categories. Standard measurement: (1) capital adequacy ratio (ZC); (2) core capital adequacy ratio (HZC); (3) the virtual variable (ZC_1, ZC_2, ZC_3) obtained by 0,2% and 4% as threshold value of excess capital adequacy ratio; (4) virtual variables (SWC, WC, UC) based on the mean and variance of distribution functions (SWC, WC, UC). In addition, this article will affect Silver Bank internal variables and macroeconomic variables as control variables, including bank scale (AR), asset return (ROA), deposit ratio (LD), net interest income ratio (NIL), shareholder equity ratio (EA), bad loan ratio (DL), reserve coverage (BB), GDP growth rate (GG) and inflation rate (CPIG). This paper considers the credit knot of commercial banks. The structure is mainly influenced by the capital level of the last phase and the internal structure of the bank and the macro economy in the last phase. On this basis, a static panel model is established to carry out regression analysis to measure and compare the positive results from multiple angles. (1) starting from the whole body of the listed commercial bank, the study is in the supervision of the old "method >" and "new method >". From the time effect, the credit structure of commercial banks in China is becoming more and more stable and reasonable. The proportion of personal loans to 15 listed commercial banks is increasing year by year, the proportion of the company's loan is declining year by year, and the proportion of credit loan is slightly rebounded; from the regression analysis, the capital supervision is repeatedly demonstrated through four models. The relationship between management and credit structure, under the old method, the level of capital adequacy ratio is negatively related to the proportion of personal loans in commercial banks, corporate loans are positively related, credit loans are positively related, and personal housing mortgage loans are negatively related. Under the new method, the first three types of relations remain unchanged, but the fourth types of relations change from negative correlation to positive correlation. This is mainly influenced by the risk weighting coefficient of the individual housing mortgage loan by the regulatory authorities. (2) the influence of capital regulation on the credit structure of the listed commercial banks is classified according to the ownership form. The capital regulation has the same influence on the two types of bank credit structure, but the level of capital adequacy ratio is on the credit of the joint-stock commercial banks. The effect of the structure is more significant. The effect of the credit structure of the commercial banks through regulation and regulation by the regulatory agency is more obvious to the joint-stock commercial banks. (3) the influence of the capital supervision of the listed commercial banks on the credit structure is classified according to the degree of capital adequacy. This article is based on the weight of the total assets of the commercial banks listed from 2009 to 2015. The weighted average excess capital adequacy ratio is divided into 15 commercial banks as capital adequacy and capital restriction commercial banks. Through regression analysis, the influence of capital regulation on the two types of bank credit structure is roughly the same, but the credit structure of capital restricted commercial banks is more significantly influenced by the level of capital adequacy. The bank will constantly adjust the credit structure according to its own capital level, the lower the capital level (high), the larger the capital limit (small) the commercial bank is more inclined to issue low (high) risk and less capital consumption (more) loan. Finally, on the basis of theoretical deduction and empirical analysis, this article from the two aspects of the regulatory and commercial banks put forward the government. Suggestions. In the aspects of supervision department: (1) adhere to the capital supervision as the core, implement differential supervision and establish a sound risk supervision system; (2) the regulatory departments have their respective responsibilities, reduce the transfer of interests and responsibility, and strengthen exchanges and communication with commercial banks, establish corresponding incentive policies and punishment means; (3) develop our country. The stock market provides a variety of financing tools, cultivates the emerging creditor's right market, actively expands the financing channels, while alleviating the financing difficulties of the small and medium-sized enterprises, increasing the bank capital supplement way and improving the economic efficiency of our country. In the commercial bank, (1) establish a long-term and stable multi-party capital supplementary mechanism and regularly pass the pressure test. Check the necessary supplementary amount of capital to avoid the sudden events to make the commercial banks face greater capital risks; (2) promote the adjustment of the credit structure and develop the capital saving mode of business; (3) strengthen the risk prevention and control, improve the level of risk fine management, and closely monitor the loan funds, so as to ensure the capital flow to the real economy rather than the financial investment. On the basis of the research achievements of predecessors, this paper attempts to explore the relationship between capital supervision and the credit structure of Chinese listed commercial banks. The purpose is to optimize and adjust the credit structure of commercial banks in China by means of capital supervision and regulation. There must be a lot of problems and shortcomings in this article. I will continue to explore and work in the future, make positive progress, and strive to improve the academic and practical ability of my own.
[Abstract]:As the intermediaries of financial intermediation, commercial banks play an important basic role in the national economy, which is related to the vital interests of the people. With the financial innovation and financial innovation of various countries, the establishment of the global financial system makes the supervision of the banking industry imminent in the.1974 National Bank of Franklin and Germany. At the beginning of the international financial innovation and development, state bank collapsed, which revealed that in the wave of economic globalization, commercial banks faced great potential risks. Under the call of the times, the Basel committee came into being for.1988 years, which introduced the international agreement of the unified capital measurement and capital standard, that is, the Basel agreement I. This definition, the minimum capital requirement and the risk weighting coefficient for the first time put forward a unified international bank capital regulation standard, created a good external environment, and promoted the steady development of the global banking industry. But the risk definition of the "Basel agreement I>" is narrower, not covering all types of risks faced by the bank, while the capital is delimit. It is not clear that the definition of capital is too broad to affect the quality of capital. Based on the defects of the Basel agreement I, the Basel Association introduced the international agreement on the unified capital measurement and capital standards in 2004: the revised framework > < Basel agreement II >, forming the minimum capital requirements of the bank, supervision and inspection of the regulatory authorities and market constraints. The capital supervision framework based on the three pillars has made a breakthrough in the scope of risk coverage and the method of calculation. However, there is still a high complexity of the model and difficult to use, the narrow and cyclical risk coverage of capital, the lack of supervision over the outside of the watch business and the "shadow banking" system, the outbreak of the.2008 financial crisis. The abuses and shortcomings of the "Basel II" were revealed. On the basis of extensive discussion, the Basel association formally issued the "Basel Agreement III" on the basis of extensive discussion in 2010. It mainly strengthened the supervision of global financial risks from two aspects of micro prudence and macro prudence. The capital framework was improved in the microcosmic aspect, the coverage of risk was expanded, and the minimum capital needed to be made. On the basis of the demand, the leverage index and liquidity regulatory index are introduced, the capital reserve buffer, the reverse cycle capital buffer and the additional capital requirements for the system importance banks are set in the macro aspect. < Basel III > is an effective supplement and improvement to the Basel agreement II, and is the progress of the global financial system regulation. The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) has issued a series of guidance documents and has made some amendments to the actual situation of China's banking industry, which has more pertinence, flexibility and maneuverability. In 2004, the management method of capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks was introduced. This article, which is called the old "method", and the capital management method of Commercial Bank (Trial) issued in 2012, has an important influence on the commercial banks of our country, one of which is the impact on the credit structure of commercial banks. The supervision of the regulatory agency will change the business of bank credit at the same time. The risk preference of the industrial bank encourages it to adjust the credit structure. The credit structure of the commercial bank determines the flow of funds, not only related to the bank's profit and risk level, but also to the financing and development of individuals and enterprises. The paper tries to study the relationship between capital supervision and credit structure through the horizontal comparison of the bank classification and the longitudinal comparison of the regulatory period classification. First, this paper makes a general review of the two aspects of the impact of capital regulation on the supply of bank credit and the credit structure: the capital supervision and commercial banks. In terms of the relationship of credit supply, most of the foreign scholars' research conclusions are that capital supervision has a certain inhibitory effect on the credit supply behavior of commercial banks, and studies the influence degree of the credit contraction transmission mechanism of commercial banks and capital supervision on the supply of different bank credit from the capital supervision, and the domestic scholars study the research. The conclusion is divided into two kinds of non significant correlation and significant correlation, and the influence degree of different banks and different periods is studied from capital supervision. In the relation of capital supervision and commercial bank credit structure, both domestic and foreign scholars' research are obviously divided into two schools, one believes that capital supervision will lead commercial banks to increase credit assets. The higher risk assets will increase enterprise loans, credit loans, medium and long term loans, while the other holds the opposite view. On the basis of the study of predecessors and scholars, this paper studies the influence of capital supervision on the credit structure of Chinese listed commercial banks through the combination of theoretical model and empirical analysis. This paper demonstrates the relationship between capital supervision and credit structure of commercial banks through three models: (1) use the mean variance model to study the optimal asset allocation point of commercial banks under capital supervision and compare the differences in asset allocation schemes of commercial banks with different capital levels. (2) from the angle of the profit function, the capital of commercial banks is used. The balance sheet is used to find the optimal profit equation of the commercial banks under the cost income measure, and to find out the relationship between the capital level and the credit behavior. (3) a simple linear programming model is established to find the best allocation scheme in the feasible region of high risk credit assets and low risk credit assets and to compare the actual capital adequacy ratio. In the case of empirical research, the idea of this article is to compare whether the strict regulation of capital affects the credit structure of commercial banks from the old "method > to the new method >". This article selects the six months degree of the 15 listed commercial banks in China from 2009 to June 2015, including the ICBC (GS), and China's construction Silver JS, ZG, NY, ZS, JT, PF, MS, XY, Ningbo Bank (NB), CITIC Bank (ZX), the Bank of China (GD), the Bank of Beijing (BJ), the Bank of China, and Ping An Bank (because the Bank of Nanjing can obtain limited data, so it is not included), A total of 195 (13*15) data. The explanatory variables in this article are the credit structure (LS), mainly including the proportion of personal loans to total loans (IL), the proportion of corporate loans to total loans (CL), the proportion of individual housing mortgages to individual loans (IHL), the proportion of credit to total loans (XL). The capital level of commercial banks is mainly through the four categories. Standard measurement: (1) capital adequacy ratio (ZC); (2) core capital adequacy ratio (HZC); (3) the virtual variable (ZC_1, ZC_2, ZC_3) obtained by 0,2% and 4% as threshold value of excess capital adequacy ratio; (4) virtual variables (SWC, WC, UC) based on the mean and variance of distribution functions (SWC, WC, UC). In addition, this article will affect Silver Bank internal variables and macroeconomic variables as control variables, including bank scale (AR), asset return (ROA), deposit ratio (LD), net interest income ratio (NIL), shareholder equity ratio (EA), bad loan ratio (DL), reserve coverage (BB), GDP growth rate (GG) and inflation rate (CPIG). This paper considers the credit knot of commercial banks. The structure is mainly influenced by the capital level of the last phase and the internal structure of the bank and the macro economy in the last phase. On this basis, a static panel model is established to carry out regression analysis to measure and compare the positive results from multiple angles. (1) starting from the whole body of the listed commercial bank, the study is in the supervision of the old "method >" and "new method >". From the time effect, the credit structure of commercial banks in China is becoming more and more stable and reasonable. The proportion of personal loans to 15 listed commercial banks is increasing year by year, the proportion of the company's loan is declining year by year, and the proportion of credit loan is slightly rebounded; from the regression analysis, the capital supervision is repeatedly demonstrated through four models. The relationship between management and credit structure, under the old method, the level of capital adequacy ratio is negatively related to the proportion of personal loans in commercial banks, corporate loans are positively related, credit loans are positively related, and personal housing mortgage loans are negatively related. Under the new method, the first three types of relations remain unchanged, but the fourth types of relations change from negative correlation to positive correlation. This is mainly influenced by the risk weighting coefficient of the individual housing mortgage loan by the regulatory authorities. (2) the influence of capital regulation on the credit structure of the listed commercial banks is classified according to the ownership form. The capital regulation has the same influence on the two types of bank credit structure, but the level of capital adequacy ratio is on the credit of the joint-stock commercial banks. The effect of the structure is more significant. The effect of the credit structure of the commercial banks through regulation and regulation by the regulatory agency is more obvious to the joint-stock commercial banks. (3) the influence of the capital supervision of the listed commercial banks on the credit structure is classified according to the degree of capital adequacy. This article is based on the weight of the total assets of the commercial banks listed from 2009 to 2015. The weighted average excess capital adequacy ratio is divided into 15 commercial banks as capital adequacy and capital restriction commercial banks. Through regression analysis, the influence of capital regulation on the two types of bank credit structure is roughly the same, but the credit structure of capital restricted commercial banks is more significantly influenced by the level of capital adequacy. The bank will constantly adjust the credit structure according to its own capital level, the lower the capital level (high), the larger the capital limit (small) the commercial bank is more inclined to issue low (high) risk and less capital consumption (more) loan. Finally, on the basis of theoretical deduction and empirical analysis, this article from the two aspects of the regulatory and commercial banks put forward the government. Suggestions. In the aspects of supervision department: (1) adhere to the capital supervision as the core, implement differential supervision and establish a sound risk supervision system; (2) the regulatory departments have their respective responsibilities, reduce the transfer of interests and responsibility, and strengthen exchanges and communication with commercial banks, establish corresponding incentive policies and punishment means; (3) develop our country. The stock market provides a variety of financing tools, cultivates the emerging creditor's right market, actively expands the financing channels, while alleviating the financing difficulties of the small and medium-sized enterprises, increasing the bank capital supplement way and improving the economic efficiency of our country. In the commercial bank, (1) establish a long-term and stable multi-party capital supplementary mechanism and regularly pass the pressure test. Check the necessary supplementary amount of capital to avoid the sudden events to make the commercial banks face greater capital risks; (2) promote the adjustment of the credit structure and develop the capital saving mode of business; (3) strengthen the risk prevention and control, improve the level of risk fine management, and closely monitor the loan funds, so as to ensure the capital flow to the real economy rather than the financial investment. On the basis of the research achievements of predecessors, this paper attempts to explore the relationship between capital supervision and the credit structure of Chinese listed commercial banks. The purpose is to optimize and adjust the credit structure of commercial banks in China by means of capital supervision and regulation. There must be a lot of problems and shortcomings in this article. I will continue to explore and work in the future, make positive progress, and strive to improve the academic and practical ability of my own.
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