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发布时间:2019-06-08 16:54
[Abstract]:Commercial vehicles are playing a more and more important role in the economic development of all countries in the world, and they have become the most important means of transportation in our country. Because of its own size, the quality of the body is relatively large, once a traffic accident occurs, it will usually cause personal injury to traffic participants and damage to vehicles and highway facilities, which is one of the forms of traffic accidents that cause bad results. At present, the number of traffic accidents caused by commercial vehicles in China is also the first to replace passenger cars. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to reduce the injury caused by traffic accidents, to ensure the safety of traffic participants in traffic accidents to the greatest extent, and to improve the safety of commercial vehicles. In this paper, the passive safety structure of commercial vehicles (occupant protection structure, front / rear lower protective device) is taken as the research object, and the technical requirements of the world mainstream standard and regulation system for the passive safety of commercial vehicles are interpreted. This paper summarizes the differences between Chinese standards and European regulations on the performance requirements and test methods of passive safety structure of commercial vehicles, and designs and develops a test and testing system to solve the problem of passive safety structure testing and testing of commercial vehicles. Through the statistics of the test results of the real vehicle and the analysis and determination of the product quality, the reasonable suggestions are put forward for the optimization and improvement of the safety performance of the product and the system of the standards and regulations.


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