本文选题:马克思主义 + 公平正义 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:China's economic development has entered a new normal. Against this background, the financial reform of our country has made great strides forward with the pace of comprehensive deepening reform, and the "Internet" program has been put forward in good time, which has promoted the deep integration of financial services and Internet technology. Internet finance has entered a high-speed stage of development. As the basic service of Internet financial operation, the third-party payment platform seize the opportunity and take advantage of its own advantages to meet the needs of the public for the innovation of payment and make up for the shortage of traditional payment. But this rapid development has permeated "savage growth", allowing us to see a lot of risks lurking behind third-party payments, whether to consumers, businesses, banks, Or the third party payment itself will bring a lot of hidden trouble or damage. The concept of fairness and justice in our country is formed by inheriting Marxism's idea of fairness and justice selectively absorbing the traditional concept of fairness and justice of our country and combining the actual situation of our country's social development. Therefore, Marx's view of fairness and justice also has important guiding significance for the healthy development of third-party payment industry. The first part of the analysis of fairness and justice, by comparing the meaning of the two terms in different angles, we find that the two are internal links, close unity, so as to explain the connotation of fairness and justice. It is concluded that the characteristics of fairness and justice are multiplicity, concreteness and relativity. Secondly, it discusses the forming process of Marxist view of fairness and justice. The three theoretical sources of Marxist view of fairness and justice are German classical philosophy, British classical economics, utopian socialism. At the same time, it discusses the important thoughts of the critical stage and the forming stage of inheritance. Finally, the main contents of Marx's concept of fairness and justice are expounded: analyzing fairness and justice with historical materialism, criticizing the injustice of capitalist society and the way that the proletariat wants to realize fairness and justice. The second part of the third-party payment and third-party payment of the performance of the concept of fairness and justice. Firstly, the definition of third-party payment is obtained by comprehensive analysis based on the existing theoretical results at home and abroad, and then the three main characteristics of third-party payment are summarized: fast transaction, neutrality and wide range of business. The last emphasis is on the understanding of the concept of fairness and justice in third-party payment, which mainly refers to the risk of third-party payment following or deviating from the concept of fairness and justice in its development process. The third part is guided by Marxist view of fairness and justice. According to the situation of our country and the actual situation of the development of third-party payment, the paper analyzes the risk of third-party payment: first, the transaction payment risk and the transaction credit risk under the condition of equal payment service opportunity; The second is the risk of capital security and financial crime in the course of exchange of equal value, and the third is the risk of competition within the industry and outside the industry under the premise of advocating fair competition in the third-party payment market. The fourth part is the focal point of this paper. Under the guidance of Marxist view of fairness and justice, the author puts forward a perfect conception of the current third party governance mechanism, combing with the actual situation of the third party payment governance in our country, and combing out the general policy of perfecting the governance mechanism. At the same time, seven aspects of the improvement of the proposal.
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