[Abstract]:Economic globalization is a major trend of current economic development. It is based on the regionalization and collectivization of international economy, especially the rapid expansion of multinational corporations. As an important phenomenon in economic globalization, international direct investment (FDI) is bound to attract great attention. Through the main way of international direct investment (FDI), multinational corporations make global allocation and reorganization of production factors, and complete the global adjustment and transfer of industrial structure. Therefore, the paper studies the mechanism of industrial transfer and industrial upgrading under direct investment. There is no doubt of great theoretical and practical significance. Since the mid-1980s, scholars at home and abroad have been interested in the development of an open economy. How to strengthen the international competitiveness of enterprises and industries in developed countries and how to realize the international transfer and layout of industries have been deeply and extensively studied. However, for developing countries, how to use international direct investment to realize industrial transfer and improve their industrial structure in integrated international production is seldom involved. The practical significance of this study lies in the analysis of the position of developing countries in the international production system through the discussion of the general law of the international transfer of industries driven by international direct investment. What factors determine the distribution of international direct investment. And what kind of impact does the international transfer of this industry have on the industrial structure of host countries and investment countries, especially the developing host countries? Some useful policy suggestions are put forward for developing countries how to improve the investment environment and how to absorb international capital reasonably and use international direct investment to enhance their industrial structure. This study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the background of the research and theoretical review of previous related studies. The second and third chapters are the empirical analysis of the location distribution structure and industrial distribution trend of international direct investment and the industry and location choice of the international transfer of industry under the direct investment of some developed countries. The main determinants of direct investment location are summarized. The fourth chapter is the theoretical analysis, analyzes the characterization and economic motivation of the international transfer of industry under direct investment, sums up the general law of international direct investment and the industrial upgrading mechanism of host country and the mode of industrial transfer under direct investment. The fifth chapter is to investigate the industrial structure and location characteristics of FDI in China. The sixth chapter is the conclusion part, and puts forward some policy suggestions on the international and domestic transfer of industry under direct investment. The innovation of this paper lies in the empirical and theoretical analysis of the transfer of international industry under direct investment through the collection of more detailed data, the integration of international investment theory, international trade theory and development economics theory.
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