本文关键词:法律选择的经济学分析 出处:《西南政法大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 经济学分析 法律选择 最大化 成本收益分析 效率 规则
【摘要】:随着世界经济的发展,运用经济学来分析社会现象已成为一种常态。在法律领域,尽管相关的经济学研究历史甚为久远,但上世纪60年代以来似乎大有扩张之势,几乎涉及法律领域的所有学科。经济学分析方法对于法学方法不能解释的某些问题给予明确充分的解释,成为法学分析方法的重要补充。 经济学分析方法应用于复杂特殊的国际私法领域也是必然。法经济学作为一门新兴学科,从经济学中抽离出来,目的即在于比较法律规则下权利交易的成本,衡量各自利益的大小,以寻求最小的制度安排,从而进一步在法律制度与资源配置之间进行平衡。从这一角度看,法经济学实际上也是一种选择学说,在其研究过程中选择与衡量必不可少,这与国际私法的法律选择过程不谋而合,国家或州的利益的大小、法官自身能力的好坏、司法成本的大小,诉讼效率等都是法律选择过程中需要考量的重要环节。基于两者这一融通性,本文即选择用法经济学的分析方法来分析国际私法中的法律选择问题。 本文首先对法经济学的基础概念及分析过程中广泛运用的几种分析工具进行初步的介绍,旨在为本文后面的论述提供相应的理论基础。其次介绍目前法律选择领域的法经济学分析现状,揭示目前法经济学分析在法律选择方面的难题。再次通过对传统法律选择方法时期与现代法律选择方法时期国际私法学者和法官进行法律选择时的价值追求进行比较分析,论证经济学分析方法在法律选择领域的合理性及重要性。然后从具体的几个法律选择学说进行深入分析,阐述经济学分析在法律适用过程中的作用,从而实现法律选择的效率与正义的衡平。最后从合同与侵权这两个具体的民商事领域的法律选择进行分析,论证这两个领域法官将如何利用其自由裁量来选择高效的法律,实现个人利益与国际利益的平衡。 尽管目前这个领域相关研究甚少,但笔者希望能有更多国际私法学者、经济学者能关注这一领域,为国际私法理论的进一步深化贡献自己的力量,使国际私法能以更好的姿态来迎接纷繁复杂的涉外民商事案件,高效率的解决纠纷,促进国际社会的和谐发展。
[Abstract]:With the development of world economy, the use of economics to analyze the social phenomenon has become a norm. In the field of law, although the research related to the history of economics is very long, but the last century since 60s seems to have a great expansion potential, almost involves all subjects in the field of law. The economic analysis method for some problems of law method cannot explain gives full explanation, become an important supplement to the legal science analysis method.
Economics analysis method is applied to the field of private international law is inevitable. Law and economics as a new discipline, from the economics, the purpose lies in the cost of right trading is legal rules, measure their interests, to seek the minimum institutional arrangements, thus further between the legal system and resource allocation balance. From this point of view, the economics of law is actually a selection theory, choice and essential measure in the course of its research, the private international law and the choice of law process state interests agree without prior without previous consultation, the size of the judge's own ability is good or bad, the judicial cost size, efficiency of the proceedings are in need an important part of the consideration of choice of law. Both based on this point, this paper chooses analysis method to analyze the use of economics of law in private international law. Choose the question.
Firstly, several widely used process of law and economics basic concepts and analysis tools for the preliminary introduction, aims to provide the theoretical basis for the discussion in this paper. Then the choice of law and economics in the field of legal analysis of the status quo, revealing the law and Economics Analysis on the problem of choice of law. The traditional law selection method of period and modern choice of law in private international law scholars and judges method period of choice of law in pursuit of the value of comparative analysis, demonstration analysis method in economics of choice of law rationality and importance field. Then from the specific legal selection theory in-depth analysis of economic analysis in the application of law, so as to realize the law the balance of justice and efficiency. Finally, from the contract with the two specific civil tort The choice of law in the field of law is analyzed. It is demonstrated how the judges in these two areas will use their discretion to choose efficient laws to achieve the balance between personal interests and international interests.
Although very little relevant research in this field, but I hope to have more scholars of private international law, economic scholars can pay attention to this field, contribution in deepening the theory of private international law, the international law to better attitude to meet the complicated foreign-related civil and commercial cases, effectively resolve disputes, promote harmony the development of the international community.
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