本文选题:技术创新 切入点:产业制度环境 出处:《天津商业大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 在21世纪的今天,以知识和信息的生产、扩散和应用为基础的知识经济占据着世界经济发展的主导地位。在经济全球化和知识化的大潮中,只有构建良好的技术创新的产业制度环境,才能够顺利促进技术创新和实现产业结构的升级,在激烈的世界经济竞争中取得一席之地。 在这种背景下,本文首先分析了技术创新、产业演化和技术创新的产业制度环境的相互作用机制,指出了它们存在协同演化的关系。之后通过对历史上几次技术革命的考察,在对技术创新的产业制度结构进行层次性分析的基础上,得出了技术创新的产业制度环境应技术创新的客观要求进行演化的一般规律:建立完善的市场制度和产权制度这些根本性制度的基础上,要顺应技术发展客观要求,有效地创新和建立能够促进技术创新的重大性制度,才能顺利促进技术创新的发展和产业的演变,同时要注意对技术创新有一定促进作用的辅助性制度的制定和改善,更好地促进技术创新。 随后,本文对现阶段世界各国技术创新的产业制度环境进行了比较,通过他们存在一些共同点的得出了一些启示:技术创新产业制度环境的构建应以企业为主体;应根据具体国情选择建设创新环境;要重视创新文化的构建等等。 最后,在以上分析的基础上,结合现阶段我国技术创新的产业制度环境的现状和我国产业发展的现状,对如何构建我国技术创新的产业制度环境提出了一些建议。
[Abstract]:In 21th century, the knowledge economy, which is based on the production, diffusion and application of knowledge and information, occupies the leading position in the development of the world economy. Only by constructing a good industrial system environment of technological innovation can we promote technological innovation and realize the upgrading of industrial structure and gain a place in the fierce world economic competition. Under this background, this paper first analyzes the interaction mechanism of technological innovation, industrial evolution and the industrial institutional environment of technological innovation, and points out the relationship between them. Based on the analysis of the industrial institutional structure of technological innovation, It is concluded that the industrial institutional environment of technological innovation evolves according to the objective requirements of technological innovation: on the basis of establishing perfect market system and property right system, it is necessary to conform to the objective requirements of technological development. The development of technological innovation and the evolution of industries can be promoted successfully by effectively innovating and establishing a significant system that can promote technological innovation, and attention should be paid to the formulation and improvement of complementary systems that can promote technological innovation to a certain extent, Better promote technological innovation. Then, this paper compares the industrial institutional environment of technological innovation in various countries in the world at present, and draws some inspirations through their common points: the construction of industrial institutional environment of technological innovation should take enterprises as the main body; We should choose the innovation environment according to the specific national conditions, attach importance to the construction of innovation culture and so on. Finally, on the basis of the above analysis, combined with the present situation of the industrial institutional environment of technological innovation in China and the present situation of the industrial development of our country, some suggestions on how to construct the industrial institutional environment of technological innovation in China are put forward.
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