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发布时间:2018-04-19 04:05

  本文选题:系统思维方法 + 可持续发展 ; 参考:《系统科学学报》2011年03期

[Abstract]:In view of the need of carrying out the scientific development view and enhancing the ability of sustainable development, this paper probes into the mode of thinking of scientific system: first, the relationship between system thinking and sustainable development is discussed, and the system science is developing in science.On the basis of the practice of sustainable development, we should sum up the theoretical system; however, we must attach importance to the extensive and concrete application of system science, and recognize the important value and important role of system thinking in the application.The characteristics and characteristics of the sustainable development system (1) the whole combination and operation of the object of sustainable development can be found from the whole attribute of the system outside and the function analysis of the internal structure.(II) Sustainability, which specifically states that sustainable development attaches importance not only to speed and quantity, but also to the pursuit and improvement of quality, the enhancement of efficiency and the protection of life support systems and biological diversity,Maintaining sustainable development focuses on the sustainability and continuity of the system.(3) Relativity, every compound system, system, subsystem and every element of the system are not isolated, and they are related to some things around them to a certain extent.(IV) complexity, sustainable development is an extremely complex giant system. To understand a certain phenomenon of sustainable development, it is necessary to dissect, analyze, and understand the interaction between individuality and commonality,The integrity of a cross set of complex things.Third, the general summary of the thinking mode of the sustainable development system and the concrete explanation that the system is the attribute of the existence of objective material.(2) crosswise thinking must be applied to design the objective of vertical development.(3) the main line of the integrated thinking mode is the progress of development, but it must be based on the sustainable development of each system.(4) Sustainable development is a system engineering of sustainable development.The guidance of the mode of "crisscross, comprehensive thinking" is urgently needed.
【作者单位】: 太原理工大学政法学院;山西大学哲学社会学学院;


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