本文选题:市场退出权 + 公共利益 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 市场是双向开放的,有进有退;只有通过不断的动态调整,才能永葆活力。市场主体从其产生到进入市场,然后通过市场交易的方式进行市场竞争,最后因为各种原因而退出市场。就如同一个自然人一样,经历一个从呱呱落地到驾鹤西去的自然过程。市场主体不仅拥有市场准入权,而且也拥有市场退出权。随着我国市场经济制度的确立和不断完善,工业化进程的加速,我国经济正由数量上的扩张转向质量上的提升,市场主体是否拥有完整的市场退出权并且能够自由行使是市场经济发育成熟的标志之一。市场经济如同一个生态系统,一个完善的市场退出权制度,可以维持市场主体正常的新陈代谢,实现市场经济动态的生态平衡。由于经济法学界尚未对市场退出权理论做出一般性、基础性的研究,这样市场法治理论就不是一个完整的系统,它不仅引发了市场法制建设中法律漏洞和法律冲突,而且导致了理论研究和法律实践对现实的社会经济问题回应乏力。本文拟对市场退出权做一个一般性、基础性的分析,以求弥补这一理论缺陷,并对市场主体在行使市场退出权的法律实践中所遇到的问题做出恰当的回应。 本文加导论共分五个部分。 导论部分主要介绍了本文的选题意义和研究方法,包括理论意义和现实意义。在论述本文选题的理论意义时,也对市场退出权理论的研究现状进行了梳理和简单的评析。在导论中,笔者对本文所选取的研究方法论述的较为详尽,主要包括一下几个具体的研究方法:博弈分析方法、政策分析方法、权利—义务分析方法、成本—收益分析方法、历史分析方法、系统分析方法等。 第一部分是对市场退出权做一个法律界定。首先,从权利构成要素的角度,对市场退出权的内涵做一个分析。然后根据不同的划分标准,对市场退出权做一个简单的分类最后,主要论证市场退出权的正当性,即它的立论基础。 第二部分是对市场退出权行使过程中所受的限制,以及对其限制所应遵循的原则做一系统的阐述。首先,笔者论述了市场退出权行使所受的内部约束。其次,笔者详尽阐述了基于公共利益的原因对市场退出权行使所做的外部限制。最后,笔者又进一步阐述了对市场退出权限制所应遵循的基本原则。 第三部分是对现今法律制度中存在的几种市场退出权制度加以介绍。主要包括:市场主体的自由退出制度、市场主体的行政许可退出制度、市场主体的行政强制退出制度、市场主体的司法解散退出制度、特殊市场主体的市场退出制度。 第四部分笔者简略评析了转型时期中国的市场退出权制度,并提出了完善该制度的建议。首先,笔者简略评析了转型时期中国的市场退出权制度。其次,笔者提出了完善的市场退出权制度所应实现的目标,包括直接目标和间接目标。最后,笔者指出完善市场退出权制度所应遵循的路径。
[Abstract]:The market economy , like a natural person , is not only the market access right , but also has the market exit right . As a natural person , it is not only the market access right but also the market exit right . As a natural person , it is not only the market access right but also the market exit right . As the economic law field has not made general and basic research on the market withdrawal right theory , the market main body has not only caused the legal loopholes and legal conflicts in the market legal system construction , but also leads to the theoretical research and the legal practice to respond to the realistic socio - economic problems . This paper intends to make a general and basic analysis of the market withdrawal right , and make a proper response to the problems encountered in the legal practice of market withdrawal .
The introduction is divided into five parts .
The introduction part mainly introduces the significance and the research method of the thesis , including the theory meaning and the practical significance . In the discussion of the theory meaning of the choice of the thesis , the author makes a brief analysis on the research situation of the theory of market exit right .
The first part is to define the market withdrawing right as a legal definition . First , from the angle of the right constitutive element , the connotation of the market exit right is analyzed . Then , according to the different dividing criteria , the market withdrawal right is divided into a simple classification . Finally , the legitimacy of the market exit right is proved .
The second part is a systematic exposition of the restriction on the exercise of the market exit right and the principle that the restriction should be followed . First , the author discusses the internal restriction on the exercise of the market exit right . Secondly , the author elaborated the external restriction on the exercise of the market exit right based on the public interest . Finally , the author further elaborated the basic principle that should be followed in the restriction of market exit right .
The third part introduces several kinds of market withdrawal right system existing in the current legal system . It mainly includes the free exit system of market subject , the exit system of the administrative license of the market subject , the administrative compulsory exit system of the market subject , the judicial dissolution and exit system of the market subject , and the market exit system of the special market subject .
In the fourth part , the author makes a brief analysis of the system of market exit right in China during the transition period , and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the system . First , the author gives a brief comment on the system of market exit right in China during the transition period . Secondly , the author puts forward the objective , including direct target and indirect target , which should be realized by the perfect market exit right system . Finally , the author points out the path that should be followed in perfecting the market exit right system .
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