[Abstract]:With the development of society, the scarcity of environmental capacity resources is becoming more and more prominent. However, the free use of environmental capacity resources makes them in a state of low efficiency. Under such a realistic background, this paper uses the theories of environmental economics and property economics, combined with the method of case analysis, to discuss the problems of environmental capacity resources and their paid use. The main conclusions and innovations of this paper are as follows: firstly, the concept system of environmental capacity resources is constructed, and the characteristics of environmental capacity resources are analyzed. In terms of conceptual system, the concepts of the total amount of environmental capacity resources and the available environmental capacity resources are defined. The available environmental capacity resources are further divided into two parts: the environmental capacity resources required for productive emissions and the environmental capacity resources for living emissions. In terms of characteristics, it is further pointed out that in terms of natural characteristics, environmental capacity resources are renewable resources, and in terms of economic characteristics, environmental capacity resources are common resources. Its consumption is competitive and non-exclusive. Secondly, the defects of free use and the advantages and disadvantages of paid use are analyzed, and it is pointed out that from free to paid is the inevitable trend of the use of environmental capacity resources. Enterprises are victims of paid use, in the regional paid use of enterprises is difficult to transfer to consumers paid user fees, so compared with the national paid use, enterprises are more opposed to regional paid use; Ordinary residents because of the existence of free-rider psychology, but also lack of enthusiasm to promote paid use. Therefore, the paid use of environmental capacity resources depends on the promotion of private environmental groups and the government. Thirdly, the paper analyzes the plight of emission trading in Xiuzhou District of Jiaxing City, and points out that the root of zero trading lies in the fact that the government pricing is lower than the clearing price of the secondary market, and the government pricing makes the emission trading system ineffective and shows the characteristics of the emission charging system. The price set is equivalent to the tax rate on sewage charges. The policy suggestion is given: when the existing enterprises have already obtained the initial emission rights, the government should abandon the method of fixed price sale and reduce the interference in the emission rights market. The research in this paper is expected to provide some theoretical guidance and policy advice for gradually promoting the paid use of environmental capacity resources in China.
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