[Abstract]:Since the period of classical economics, ethics and economics have been inextricably linked, and the application of mathematical methods in economics will inevitably affect the study of ethics associated with it. This paper analyzes the phenomenon of mathematical explanation in the study of modern western economic ethics, traces its historical origin, and introduces the present situation and influence of mathematical methods in the study of western economic ethics. The mathematical methods in the study of economic ethics are summed up as basic mathematics and statistical methods, economic mathematical methods, classical game theory methods and evolutionary game theory methods, experimental methods and computer simulation methods, etc. It also expounds its outstanding achievements in the research of fairness and justice, cooperative honesty and altruistic behavior. By combing the mathematical methods in the study of western economic ethics, it can be revealed that it can perfect the methodology system of economics and economic ethics, make up for the defect of "ethics is not involved" in western economics research, and become an objective subject for economic ethics. Rigorous and precise independent scientific disciplines lay the foundation for the importance of such aspects.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学政法学院;华中科技大学;武汉大学经济与管理学院;
【基金】:沈昊驹博士主持2011年教育部人文社科项目“经济伦理学研究中的实验方法探索”(项目批准号:11YJCZH140) 乔洪武教授任首席专家的教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“西方经济伦理思想研究”(项目批准号:10JZD0021)子课题的阶段性成果
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