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发布时间:2018-09-18 07:21
【摘要】: 随着生产力和中国社会经济的迅猛发展,消费在我国的社会生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,消费主义作为一种有相当影响的消费观、社会观、价值观,对我国经济、社会、文化等各个方面产生了深远的影响。在消费主义价值观、大众传媒娱乐化和商业化等多种因素的影响下,粉丝群体迅速发展壮大,并以其强大的消费能力、狂热的消费欲望在市场上产生重大影响,得到众多关注。 为了深入研究粉丝消费行为,本文选取了中国第一家专业性粉丝网站——粉丝网(www.ifensi.com)为个案,通过参与观察和深度访谈的方法,以符号学、社会学和传播学的理论为基础,围绕符号消费理论、文化消费理论和大众文化理论剖析粉丝消费行为,对粉丝消费行为的现状和特点、动机和成因、影响及其存在的问题进行了比较全面的研究。 第一章提出了本文所要探究的问题,梳理了国内外粉丝消费行为研究的相关成果,并交代了本研究的研究方法、研究意义等问题。 第二章以“粉丝网”为个案,剖析粉丝消费行为的现状和特点,提出了粉丝消费行为的阶层区分的现状以及消费性和商品化、泛文化性和符号化、快感性和欲望性、模式化和复制化、短暂性和流行性的特点;第三章详细阐述粉丝消费行为的动机与成因,提出粉丝消费是一种对群体认同和群体区分的符号消费,粉丝消费动机的形成是消费主义价值观、大众需求的改变、科技和大众传媒的发达以及传媒娱乐化、商业化共同作用的结果;第四章分别从微观和宏观层面解读粉丝消费行为的影响,即职业粉丝和粉丝经济体的产生,并指出粉丝在消费过程中存在盲目性、虚幻性和受制于大众传媒等问题。 结论对本文的分析作进一步总结,提出在消费主义和大众传媒的合谋之下,粉丝的消费欲望和动机会不断增强,粉丝的消费行为会更加狂热,对粉丝消费行为和动机的引导将是社会必须面对和正视的问题。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of productive forces and Chinese social economy, consumption plays a more and more important role in the social life of our country. Consumerism, as a kind of consumption view, social view, values, which has a considerable influence on our economy and society, is playing a more and more important role in the social life of our country. Culture and other aspects have had a profound impact. Under the influence of consumerism values, mass media entertainment and commercialization, the fan group has developed rapidly, and with its strong consumption ability, fanatical consumption desire has had a significant impact on the market, and has received a lot of attention. In order to deeply study fan consumption behavior, this paper selects www.ifensi.com, the first professional fan website in China, as a case study, based on the theory of semiotics, sociology and communication by participating in observation and in-depth interviews. Based on the symbolic consumption theory, cultural consumption theory and popular culture theory, this paper analyzes the fan consumption behavior, and makes a comprehensive study on the current situation and characteristics, motivation and cause, influence and existing problems of fan consumption behavior. The first chapter puts forward the problems to be explored in this paper, combs the domestic and foreign fan consumer behavior research related results, and explains the research methods, research significance and other issues. The second chapter takes "fan net" as a case, analyzes the current situation and characteristics of fan consumption behavior, and puts forward the current situation of class differentiation of fan consumption behavior, as well as consumption and commercialization, pan-culture and symbolization, pleasure and desire. The third chapter elaborates the motives and causes of fan consumption behavior, and points out that fan consumption is a symbolic consumption of group identity and differentiation. The formation of fans' consumption motivation is the result of the change of consumerism values, the change of mass demand, the development of science and technology and mass media, as well as the entertainment and commercialization of media. The fourth chapter explains the influence of fans' consumption behavior from micro and macro level, that is, the emergence of professional fans and fan economies, and points out that fans in the process of consumption are blind, illusory and restricted by the mass media and other problems. Conclusion the analysis of this paper is further summarized, and it is pointed out that under the complicity of consumerism and mass media, the consumption desire and motivation of fans will be increased, and the consumption behavior of fans will become more fanatical. The guide to the fans'consumption behavior and motivation will be the problem that the society must face and face squarely.


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