[Abstract]:China is a society with agriculture as its main body. The definition of land rights and the handling of their interrelations are the most important issues. In reality, although the joint production contract system established after 1978 has stimulated great economic efficiency, the present land ownership relationship in China is still unsatisfactory. We know that the development of the thought of institution has the characteristic of "historical path dependence". The purpose of this paper is to find out the land system suitable for the present Chinese society through the investigation of various land system thoughts in ancient China. In ancient China, the land system changed several times, such as mine fields, restricted fields, and even fields, which reflected different ideas, but in general, they contained common institutional ideas. Namely through the definition of land ownership and the effective allocation of the right to use to promote the development of feudal agricultural productivity. The abundant land allocation and contract thought in ancient times provided us with a solid material foundation for studying the ancient land thought of China from the angle of institutional economics and economic efficiency. This article also hopes to use the modern economics theory and the analysis tool to grasp and comb the ancient rural land thought evolution, to find the "historical path", to present the land system to give its own opinion. According to the definition of economics, economic activity is the most suitable choice that people make under various constraints in order to maximize economic benefits. The so-called restriction includes the ownership of the right to decide economic activities, that is, it depends on the structure of the property right system. The most important one is the relationship between ownership and right of use. Through the interpretation of the relationship between ownership and right of use in the thought of land system, we can find the thread of thought development, and by examining the agricultural productivity created by the ancient rural land system of our country, we can find out the thread of thought development. It helps us to understand the progressive meaning and evolutionary path of these ideas.
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