[Abstract]:With the development of low-carbon economy, the environmental problems caused by the rapid development of economy have attracted wide attention from all walks of life. Increasing investment in environmental governance is the trend of the times. New measures such as "Clean Development Mechanism" (CDM) and "Green Credit" (Green Credit) have opened up a new path for investment in environmental governance. On the basis of previous studies, this paper deals with the data by using the methods of unit root test and Johansen cointegration test, which are based on the industrial GDP, emissions and the amount of industrial waste gas treatment investment published in the China Statistical Yearbook from 1998 to 2008. An error correction model (VEC) and impulse response function (IRF) are used to simulate the impact path of environmental governance investment on environmental quality. The conclusion is that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between the investment in environmental governance and environmental quality in China. The investment in environmental governance has a positive impact on environmental quality, but the impact duration is relatively short. At the same time, the change of environmental quality will bring about a great impact on the investment in environmental governance for up to 10 periods, and with the effect of investment in environmental governance gradually appearing, that is, the improvement of environmental quality, the investment in environmental governance will decrease gradually. In view of this situation, our government, commercial banks and enterprises should pay more attention to the environment, establish a long-term mechanism of investment in environmental governance, adjust the investment structure, and increase investment in environmental governance through various ways.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学商学院;中国国有经济研究中心;
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