[Abstract]:The mode of ideal economic order explained by Oakon reflects the reflection on the nature of the rules that restrict and influence the economic actors, adds a dimension of "constitutionalism" for the analysis of economic problems, and has touched the essential category of constitutional choice. Altruistic and altruistic economic man hypothesis is the necessary logical premise of Oakon's constitutional economic analysis. Applying individualism to economic order and embodying "the conception of free economic constitutionalism and the method of power analysis" is the core of Orken's work on order and economics. Oakon tries hard to establish constitutionalism in freedom, and conceives to establish reasonable order competition order on the basis of constitutionalism with the principle of freedom as the core. The monopoly rule of private power or state compulsory power and its intertwined change are sufficient to restrain competition. The root understanding of the anti-competitive nature of the two kinds of power consciousness should not be confined to the economic field itself, but should go deep into the building of constitutional system. Oakon advocates the establishment and maintenance of an economic order under complete competition in order to resolve power conflicts, coordinate social contradictions, and achieve stability and equilibrium. The competitive order led by the state, the constitutional choice guided by the rational principle, the competition order principle of the whole association and the shaping of the competition order policy of the multidimensional structure, in fact, embedded and established the core of the derived logic of Oakon's thought of constitutional economy.
【作者单位】: 《华南师范大学学报》编辑部;华南师范大学经济与管理学院;
【基金】:广东省哲学社会科学“十一五”规划项目“新马克思主义空间视角下的资本危机全球化”(GD10YLJ01) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目“马克思主义时空视角下的全球性金融与经济危机”(20110490905)的阶段性成果
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