[Abstract]:Barry Barr, the representative of the French structuralist Marxist school, and Cohen, the representative of the British Analytical Marxism School, both discriminate and analyze the concepts of ownership and ownership in Marxist theory. Barry Barr believes that ownership and ownership are directly identical under capitalist conditions. Essentially, ownership is determined by ownership, but at the same time ownership is relatively independent. There are differences between the mode of change and the relationship between ownership and ownership. Cohen used analytical philosophy to analyze ownership and ownership, and put forward "legitimacy problem" and "interpretation direction problem". He argued that although Marx used legal terms such as ownership to describe economic relations, ownership was given economic meaning. The ownership in the economic sense is a kind of power, which corresponds to the ownership in the legal sense, but has obvious difference. The former belongs to the economic foundation, the latter belongs to the superstructure, and the latter is explained and explained by the former. The main object of the study is capitalist ownership, which aims at clarifying the internal structure of society, while Cohen's study is more abstract and general, and its purpose is to clarify the logical relationship between concepts. Both of them have a certain one-sidedness in their research.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院马克思主义研究院;
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