private partnerships, traffic risk, delay option, government
Research on. Traffic Risk Sharing Strategy for Public-Private-Partnerships Highway Infrastructure Projects
Guo Jian (School of Management Science and Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081 )
Abstr:The model of public-private partnerships has been widely used in the field of highway infrastructure project in China in recent years. However, due to the high uncertainty of traffic demand risk, risk-sharing issue for the highway infrastructure project has been a focus of attention and a difficulty to be solved. Binomial tree pricing model can be used to analyze the impact of delayed investment to the value of PPP project and we study the effective way to mitigate the traffic risks using the government minimum and maximum guarantee based on real options. A series of contracts may be signed between government and private investors to ensure the revenues that the private investors obtain. Government guarantees can be seen as a series of European put and call option combinations and Black-Scholes option pricing fol~nula can be used to calculate the option value in the PPP contracts. Finally, the delayed investment decision-making and risk-sharing strategy is applied to a highway infrastructure project to illustrate the method above.
Keyword::public-private partnerships, traffic risk, delay option, government revenue guarantee, risk sharing