发布时间:2018-03-26 08:21
本文选题:工会 切入点:集装箱码头 出处:《大连海事大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:世界集装箱运输业正在快速发展,中国正处在经济体制转型时期,集装箱码头企业劳动关系渐渐地展露出了一些不同于以往的变化,这些改变和现象对国有企业工会提出了新的要求。作者从我国集装箱码头企业的发展现状以及其工会的地位和作用出发,阐述了集装箱码头企业工会在现代集装箱企业中的不可替代性以及其未来的发展方向和趋势,并在对天津港几大集装箱码头工会进行实地调研的基础上着重对其中一个码头进行分析,重点对工会在现代集装箱码头企业员工管理以及企业文化建设中所起的作用进行分析和研究。 通过研究和论证得出工会在协调劳动关系、稳定职工思想、提高职工素质、促进企业发展、提高企业竞争力中发挥着重要作用。面对新形势下世界经济格局的变化、集装箱码头企业劳动关系的变化,如何进一步开展工会工作,提升工会地位,更好的将工会在企业中的作用发挥出来将是今后工会在集装箱码头企业中面临的新挑战也是其发展方向。笔者试图通过本文的撰写为国内关于工会在集装箱码头企业中作用研究方面的空白提供参考。
[Abstract]:The world container transportation industry is developing rapidly, and China is in a period of economic restructuring. The labor relations of container terminal enterprises are gradually showing some changes different from the past. These changes and phenomena have put forward new requirements to the trade unions of state-owned enterprises. The author proceeds from the present situation of the development of container terminal enterprises in China and the status and role of the trade unions. This paper expounds the irreplaceable nature of the trade union of container terminal enterprises in modern container enterprises and its future development direction and trend. And on the basis of on-the-spot investigation of several major container terminal trade unions in Tianjin Port, the emphasis is placed on the analysis of one of the terminals. The role of trade unions in the management of modern container terminals and the construction of enterprise culture is analyzed and studied. Through research and argumentation, it is concluded that trade unions play an important role in coordinating labor relations, stabilizing workers' thinking, improving workers' quality, promoting the development of enterprises and enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. The changes in the labor relations of container terminal enterprises, how to further carry out trade union work, and how to promote the status of trade unions, It will be a new challenge for trade unions in container terminal enterprises to play a better role in enterprises. The author tries to write this article for the domestic trade unions in container terminals. The gaps in the study of the role of enterprises provide a reference.
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