本文选题:集装箱集疏运方式 + 托运人选择行为 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:港口作为多种运输方式交汇的枢纽,对集疏运体系有着较强的依赖性。港口集疏运的速度快,则堆场的货箱周转就较迅速,堆场的利用率也就随之提高,所以港口的集疏运体系是港口完成吞吐量的有力保障,对港口功能的发挥起着至关重要的作用。 港口的集疏运系统是由多种运输方式所组成的,各运输方式之间保有一个较为合理的比例,才能成为港口高效、快速运作的保证。但目前,我国港口集装箱集疏运中,公路运输约占总集疏运量的84%,水路运输约占14%,而铁路运输仅占2%左右。我国港口集装箱集疏运主要依靠公路运输,水路和铁路运输未能发挥应有的作用。公路运输比例的偏高造成许多港口的严重拥挤,接踵而来的延迟已经大大增加了承运人和托运人的成本。并且,我国各主要港口的疏港道路都需穿过市区,这对城市交通的干扰较大。此外,公路运输所带来的环境污染,不仅对人们的身体健康造成威胁,同时与发展绿色运输方式的理念相背离。 本文以港口集装箱集疏运方式选择决策为目标,运用货物运输方式选择行为理论,通过对托运人的选择行为进行研究,来为承运人提供准确、有效的分析集疏运市场需求的工具。本文采用内容分析法对主要属性进行识别、根据结果设计显示性偏好(RP)调查问卷来获得相关实际数据,利用多项logit模型来分析各主要属性对托运人决策的影响程度。以此为基础构建多属性决策模型,依据模型的特点和各属性之间的“部分补偿性”,采用改进的ELECTRE-I算法进行求解。最后通过实例验证模型和算法的有效性,并根据敏感性分析对承运人改善运输生产作业,提高运输服务质量提供市场分析工具。 从而有效促进港口集疏运结构的优化调整,充分发挥铁路和水路的集疏运优势,降低高污染的公路集疏运分担率。使我国港口集疏运系统遵循高效、低成本、环境保护的发展宗旨,促进我国运输业的更好更快发展。
[Abstract]:As a junction of many transportation modes, the port has a strong dependence on the transportation system.If the port collects and distributes at a high speed, the container turnover in the yard will be faster, and the utilization ratio of the yard will also increase. Therefore, the port transportation system is a powerful guarantee for the port to complete the throughput.It plays an important role in the function of port.The port transportation system is composed of a variety of transportation modes. Only by keeping a reasonable proportion among the transportation modes can it become the guarantee of efficient and rapid operation of the port.But at present, in the container transportation of our country, the road transportation accounts for 84% of the total transportation volume, the waterway transportation is about 14%, and the railway transportation is only about 2%.Container collection and distribution mainly rely on road transportation, but waterway and railway transportation fail to play its due role.The high proportion of road transportation causes serious congestion in many ports, and the subsequent delays have greatly increased the cost of carriers and shippers.In addition, the main ports in our country have to cross the urban areas, which is a great interference to urban traffic.In addition, the environmental pollution caused by road transportation not only threatens people's health, but also deviates from the idea of developing green transportation mode.This paper takes the choice decision of port container transportation mode as the goal, applies the theory of cargo transportation mode choice behavior, through the study of the shipper's choice behavior, to provide the carrier with accuracy.Effective tools for analyzing market demand.In this paper, the main attributes are identified by content analysis method. According to the results, a questionnaire of indicative preference is designed to obtain the relevant actual data, and a number of logit models are used to analyze the influence of each main attribute on shippers' decision.On this basis, a multi-attribute decision model is constructed. According to the characteristics of the model and the "partial compensation" between the attributes, the improved ELECTRE-I algorithm is used to solve the problem.Finally, the validity of the model and algorithm is verified by an example, and a market analysis tool is provided for carrier to improve transport production and improve transport service quality according to sensitivity analysis.Thus it can effectively promote the optimization and adjustment of port transportation structure, give full play to the advantages of railway and waterway transportation, and reduce the sharing rate of high pollution highway collection and distribution.In order to promote the better and faster development of China's transportation industry, the port transportation system of our country should follow the development aim of high efficiency, low cost and environmental protection.
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