发布时间:2018-05-22 13:00
本文选题:港口物流 + 复杂系统 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:随着经济的发展、世界运输网络的动态变化,以及现代物流产业的兴起和不断发展,港口物流作为现代物流的重要组成部分,已经成为了国民经济的一个重要支柱。港口作为海运转为其他运输方式的必经转运点的作用逐渐减弱,港口已经成为综合运输链中的一个主要环节,在国际贸易和国际物流方面的作用不断突出。基于腹地经济的发展,以该经济区域发展为基础的多个港口之间的竞合发展也成为学术界研讨的热点问题。 港口物流系统是与外界环境密切联系的复杂的、动态的、开放的大系统,同时它又是联系社会系统与经济系统的重要桥梁。为了顺应经济全球化的需要,研究港口物流系统竞合模式,架构港口物流系统竞合体系,并进行港口物流系统竞合绩效的评价,对于港口不断完善自身物流系统,不断开拓创新,推动港口经济的快速发展,有着非常重要的现实意义。 本文综合运用复杂系统理论、协同论、博弈论、竞合理论等基础理论,对国内外港口物流发展现状及趋势进行了分析,研究港区联动发展、港口物流参与主体,在此基础上提出了港口物流竞合发展战略定位和竞合策略;提出适合我国港口物流发展的港口竞合模式,并进行了博弈分析;架构港口物流系统竞合体系及评价矩阵,并借助多层次动态综合评价方法对区域港口群——山东半岛港口群进行了实证研究。 通过本文研究,得出主要结果如下: (1)运用SWOT分析研究,我国港口物流系统发展中的劣势是关键所在,港口纵横竞合的影响因素很多,港口自身竞争力(即纵向竞合)的优劣对其横向竞合的影响是很大的。提出要达到战略目标,扭转型战略更适合我国当前港口物流系统的发展战略。 (2)经实证计算发现:港口与第三方物流公司合作前后总收益差大于零,证明其纵向竞合是有效的;该模型可有效解决合作各方的利润分配,充分表明本文研究的这种虚拟合作联盟对现实操作有较大的指导意义。 (3)通过敏感度分析,可以得出结论:港口竞合效益及其整个供应网络效益的影响因素包括纵横竞合所有相关因素;纵横竞合有效度同港口效益及其整个供应网络的效益同方向变化;港口自身的发展对港口效益的影响最大。 (4)本文研究分析了港口的区位和层次,架构并建立了三层次港口物流系统竞合体系和评价矩阵,并用多层次动态灰色综合评价,能够正确反映评价指标实际值对评价结果的贡献,并用“平衡态”和“竞合有效度”两个概念可判断其竞合效应的优劣和竞合有效性的强弱。 (5)通过实证研究,在山东半岛中的青岛、日照、烟台三个港口中,青岛港各亚系统竞合发展水平均衡,日照港、烟台港航运运营亚系统竞合有效度相对偏弱。青岛港由于自然位置的优越、基础设施的良好、腹地经济的强大以及管理效率较高,因而在纵向竞合、横向竞合和纵横竞合三方面的排序位列三港口首位,其次是日照港和烟台港。 本文的创新点主要有学术理念创新、模型创新、体系创新和方法创新四个方面: 在学术理念创新方面,本文在港口物流系统竞合研究中综合运用复杂系统、港区联动、竞争合作和一体化统筹等思想和理论,将港口物流大系统纳入复杂系统这一综合概念框架之内,以亚系统为支点来研究港区联动。并针对港口发展的差异性、有效竞合理论以及边际效益递减规律,本文提出竞合平衡态和竞合有效度两个新概念。 在港口物流系统竞合模型创新方面,主要有两个创新,一是博弈分析中首次运用横向竞合模型和纵向竞合模型,二是港口层次划分中首次运用改进的波士顿矩阵(BCG matrix)模型。 在研究体系创新方面主要有,博弈分析中的横向竞合一体化和纵向竞合一体化,以及竞合体系架构中的三层次区域港口物流系统竞合体系。 在研究方法创新方面,本文灵活运用区位商分析法和波士顿矩阵,创新性的提出双层波士顿矩阵,首次运用两个波士顿矩阵划分港口群层次,拓展并更新原有指标数量,用“吞吐量”和“腹地区位吸引力”、“吞吐量”和“外贸吞吐量”两组指标代替常用的“增长率”、“市场占有率”;在评价矩阵构建时,全方位分层次的纳入多种相关指标,打破原有评价体系多注重物流能力、轻视服务弹性、经济腹地等的评价格局,综合系统纵横全方位,能够更全面准确的定位港口及其所在港口群的发展,可有效评价港口物流竞合发展的成效。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy , the dynamic change of world transportation network and the rising and development of modern logistics industry , port logistics has become an important pillar of national economy . The port has become one of the main links in the integrated transport chain , and its role in international trade and international logistics has become increasingly prominent .
The port logistics system is a complex , dynamic and open system which is closely related to the external environment . It is also an important bridge to contact the social system and the economic system . In order to meet the needs of the economic globalization , the competitive system of port logistics system and the competitive system of port logistics system are studied .
Based on the basic theories of complex system theory , cooperative theory , game theory and competition theory , this paper analyzes the present situation and trend of port logistics at home and abroad , studies the linkage development of port and port logistics , and puts forward the strategic positioning and competition strategy of port logistics competitive development .
This paper puts forward a port competition model suitable for port logistics development in China , and makes a game analysis .
In this paper , the competitive system and evaluation matrix of port logistics system are presented , and the multi - level dynamic comprehensive evaluation method is used to carry out an empirical study on the port group of the regional port group _ Shandong Peninsula .
Through the study , the main results are as follows :
( 1 ) Using SWOT analysis , the weakness in the development of port logistics system is the key point , the influence factors of port and horizontal competition are many , the influence of the port ' s own competitiveness ( i.e . , longitudinal competition ) is great . To achieve the strategic goal , the reversal strategy is more suitable for the development strategy of our country ' s current port logistics system .
( 2 ) The results show that the difference between the total profit before and after the cooperation between the port and the third party logistics company is greater than zero , which proves that the longitudinal competition is effective ;
The model can effectively solve the profit distribution of the cooperative parties , which indicates that the virtual cooperative alliance is of great significance to the practical operation .
( 3 ) Through sensitivity analysis , it can be concluded that the impact factors of port competition benefit and its overall supply network benefit include all relevant factors in aspect and aspect .
The effectiveness of horizontal and horizontal competition is in the same direction as that of port benefit and the whole supply network ;
The port ' s own development has the greatest impact on port benefit .
( 4 ) This paper studies the location and hierarchy of port , establishes three levels port logistics system competitive system and evaluation matrix , and uses multi - level dynamic grey comprehensive evaluation to correctly reflect the contribution of the actual value of the evaluation index to the evaluation result .
( 5 ) In the three ports of Qingdao , Rizhao and Yantai in Shandong Peninsula , the competing development level of the sub - systems in Qingdao Port , Rizhao Port and Yantai Port is relatively weak .
The innovation points of this paper have four aspects : academic idea innovation , model innovation , system innovation and method innovation :
In the aspect of the innovation of academic idea , this paper comprehensively applies the thought and theory of complex system , port area linkage , competition cooperation and integration and so on in the competitive research of port logistics system .
In the aspect of port logistics system competition model innovation , there are two main innovations , one is the first application of the transverse competition model and the longitudinal competition model in the game analysis , and the second is the improved Boston matrix model for the first time in the port hierarchy division .
In the aspect of research system innovation , it is mainly focused on the integration of transverse competition and longitudinal competition in the game analysis , as well as the competitive system of three - level regional port logistics system in the framework of competition system .
In the aspect of research method innovation , this paper applies the regional quotient analysis method and Boston matrix to propose a double - layer Boston matrix for the first time . First , two Boston matrices are used to divide the port group hierarchy , expand and update the original index quantity , replace the commonly used " growth rate " and " market share " with " throughput " and " hinterland attractiveness " , " throughput " and " foreign trade throughput " index .
When the evaluation matrix is constructed , various relevant indexes are integrated into the evaluation matrix , and the evaluation pattern of multi - focus logistics capability , light - view service elasticity , economic hinterland and the like of the original evaluation system is broken , the comprehensive system is wide and directional , and the development of the port and the port group in which the port is located can be comprehensively and accurately positioned , and the effect of the port logistics competitive development can be effectively evaluated .
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