本文选题:上海浦东新区 + 公共停车位 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国城市经济的飞速增长和汽车产业的大力发展,,造就了城市机动车保有量大幅度增加。特别是从“十一五”期间以来,受一系列促进机动车消费政策影响,我国机动车保有量一直保持着飞快增长的速度。 机动车由两个最基本的“停”和“行”运动元素组成。“停”的元素则需要停车场来保证,“行”的元素则需要道路作为条件。当前国内各大城市均面临着车辆增长速度超过停车场建设速度、停车泊位严重不足、停车供需不平衡的问题,由此产生的城市动、静态交通相互干扰问题也变的空前突出。在此背景下,城市停车设施规划及停车管理对策均面临巨大的挑战,如何应对不断发展的机动化,如何制定合理的停车规划与管理对策,实现城市交通的可持续发展成为城市建设与管理者的重要课题。 本文以上海浦东新区为案例,上海浦东新区的机动车无论是拥有量还是使用率均都在全国前列。浦东新区机动车的快速增长不仅加重了城市道路网的负荷,同时也使城市静态交通供需呈现较大的矛盾,出现了所谓的停车难问题。通过对浦东新区的公共停车位的现状、管理流程、管理效果以及公共停车位的问题和面临挑战的全面阐述。得出浦东新区公共停车位管理问题产生的原因有以下几个方面:公共停车位规划的问题、公共停车位服务不足的问题、公共停车位制度保障等问题。 针对上述问题,本文通过三方面分别进行深入地分析和解剖:一是通过对公共停车位规划问题去分析、二是从公共停车位的服务不足方面去分析、三是从制度保障的不完善去分析,通过对三个要素的分析和解剖,再借鉴国内外城市的治理城市公共停车位管理的先进理念和措施,结合浦东新区的实际情况,对浦东新区城市公共停车位管理提出了对策和建议。 由于停车位管理问题不仅仅是交通问题,还涉及到社会生活、经济的方方面面,与汽车产业、房地产业、物价财税等方面都密切相关。停车位管理问题处理的好坏,将直接影响社会经济的发展和居民生活的质量。因此,解决好停车位管理的问题,对于促进城市的社会、经济等以及未来在全国开展的城镇化建设等各个环节方面的健康快速发展具有重大的意义。
[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of urban economy and the rapid development of automobile industry, the number of urban motor vehicles has increased greatly. Especially since the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, affected by a series of policies to promote motor vehicle consumption, the number of motor vehicles in China has maintained a rapid growth rate. Motor vehicles consist of two basic "stop" and "line" movement elements. Parking is required for parking elements, and roads are required for line elements. At present, all the major cities in China are faced with the problem that the vehicle growth rate exceeds the construction speed of the parking lot, the parking berth is seriously insufficient and the parking supply and demand are not balanced. As a result, the urban dynamic and static traffic interferences become more prominent than ever. In this context, urban parking facilities planning and parking management countermeasures are facing enormous challenges, how to cope with the continuous development of motorization, how to formulate reasonable parking planning and management countermeasures, Realizing the sustainable development of urban traffic has become an important subject for urban construction and management. This paper takes Shanghai Pudong New area as an example, the motor vehicle ownership and utilization rate of Shanghai Pudong New area are in the forefront of the country. The rapid growth of motor vehicles in Pudong New area not only increases the load of urban road network, but also makes the static traffic supply and demand of the city more contradictory, resulting in the so-called parking problem. This paper expounds the present situation, management flow, management effect, problems and challenges of public parking space in Pudong New area. The reasons for the problems in the management of public parking spaces in Pudong New area are as follows: the planning of public parking spaces, the insufficient service of public parking spaces, the system guarantee of public parking spaces, and so on. In view of the above problems, this article carries on the thorough analysis and the anatomy separately through three aspects: first, through to the public parking space plan question to analyze, the second is from the public parking space service insufficiency aspect to analyze, The third is to analyze the imperfections of the system, through the analysis and dissection of the three elements, and then draw lessons from the advanced ideas and measures of managing the public parking spaces in the cities at home and abroad, and combine with the actual situation of the Pudong New area. The countermeasures and suggestions for the management of public parking spaces in Pudong New area are put forward. As parking space management is not only a traffic problem, but also involves all aspects of social life and economy, and closely related to the automobile industry, real estate industry, price and taxation, and so on. The quality of parking space management will directly affect the development of social economy and the quality of residents' life. Therefore, it is of great significance to solve the problem of parking space management to promote the healthy and rapid development of urban society, economy and urbanization construction in the future.
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