[Abstract]:During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, about 70 new airports will be built in China. By the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the size of China's civil aviation fleet will exceed 4500. It is in the period of rapid development from "big country of civil aviation" to "powerful country of civil aviation". In 2002, civil transportation airport localization reform and the separation of government and enterprise have brought great development opportunity to airport enterprises. With the continuous expansion of enterprise production scale, it also brings a large number of talent demand, and puts forward a lot of new challenges to human resource management. How to meet the reasonable needs of employees, effectively encourage employees to play their wisdom in the organization, mobilize their enthusiasm and enthusiasm, in order to maintain the stability of the workforce, is a problem that the airport enterprises are now facing and need to be solved urgently. Aiming at JC Company's largest employee group, civil aviation security inspector, combined with the current situation and existing problems of its incentive management, this paper applies different incentive theories and methods to analyze the employees' incentive in salary, management and training. In terms of team motivation, starting from the actual situation of enterprise management and fully emphasizing on practicality and feasibility, the paper puts forward some concrete measures and methods for designing and perfecting the incentive management system for safety inspectors, with emphasis on solving the problem of high staff mobility at the present stage. The innovation ability of the team is not enough, the enthusiasm and initiative of the staff is not strong, the management ability is difficult to improve, and it can not adapt well to the problem of the rapid growth of the enterprise. It provides a meaningful research conclusion for the reform and perfection of the human resource management mechanism of the front-line staff, and provides a valuable reference for the management of the security personnel of other airport enterprises at the same time.
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