[Abstract]:Aircraft, as the most important asset, is the source for airlines to create profits, and the way it introduces and holds plays a key role in the development of airlines. By introducing the concepts of aircraft financing and aircraft financing, this paper analyzes the characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and the development of domestic and foreign leasing companies. The influence of aircraft introduction on various financial indexes and the factors affecting the selection of introduction mode are analyzed, and then the change of aircraft leasing mode by airline A is put forward, and the plan of aircraft import mode for airline A in the next five years is proposed. By calculating the change from foreign operating lease to domestic operating lease or financing lease, airlines can save more than 10 million yuan in financial cost. In addition, according to the characteristics of each type of financing analysis, objective to make the corresponding plan. Through the investigation of the tax policy in the East Xinjiang bonded area, the overall consideration of many factors affecting the lease period, the comprehensive assessment and prediction of the lease risk, and the calculation of net cash flow, It is concluded that holding the main aircraft B738 in the domestic operating lease mode for airline A can save financial costs to the maximum extent and reduce the risks to the minimum. It provides a strong basis for A airline to change the current aircraft leasing mode from foreign operation lease to domestic operating lease. Whether it is the change in leasing methods or the five-year plan for the future introduction of aircraft, it is based on the latest national tax policy and the results of research on the aircraft rental market. Therefore, it has certain guiding significance for the introduction and management of multi-model small airlines such as A Airlines.
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