[Abstract]:As the third industry, the transportation industry has developed rapidly in recent years. With the implementation of preferential measures, such as increasing industrial upgrading and encouraging the development of service industry, the auto transportation market has been biased from the seller to the buyer. In particular, the operation of high-speed railway lines, such as Fu Xia, Fu Hu and Fu Hang, has a great impact on the development of the automobile transportation business in Quanzhou, and the company's business advantages have also been challenged. Under the current situation, it has become the key point for automobile to participate in the competition among the industries by mastering the customer demand before competitors, improving the level of humanized service, and improving the operating equipment and environment. In view of this, the automobile transportation industry should adjust the strategic direction, always revolve around the service idea of "customer first", regard customer satisfaction evaluation as the evaluation standard of enterprise development, take customer satisfaction service as the direction, expand the market share step by step. Create more operating profits. It is very important to pay attention to the evaluation of customer satisfaction, which requires the enterprise to improve the original marketing strategy, construct a perfect evaluation system of customer satisfaction, and provide service from the customer's point of view. Reasonable allocation of enterprise resources to meet customer requirements to the greatest extent, to achieve a higher service efficiency in the industry to maximize market share. This paper studies the customer service of Quanzhou Automobile Transportation Corporation, finds out its shortcomings in customer satisfaction, and gives some suggestions to improve the quality of transportation service, strengthen enterprise management, and improve customer satisfaction. The first chapter introduces the background, research purpose and significance, research methods and ideas, research content and frame structure. The second chapter introduces the characteristics of service industry, customer satisfaction theory and practical value to the development of enterprises. The third chapter expounds the effect of customer satisfaction evaluation on automobile transportation enterprises. In chapter 4, we design a questionnaire to investigate the customers who are served by the company and analyze the data. The fourth chapter is based on the third chapter, the evaluation of various service indicators, analysis of the distribution of satisfaction rates. The fifth chapter is the analysis of the evaluation results. Chapter 6 puts forward a series of schemes and strategies to improve customer satisfaction. The seventh chapter is the conclusion and prospect of the research, puts forward the possible innovation points and deficiencies, according to the current situation of the company's transportation business development, gives the mark to the deficiency, so as to focus on the research in the future.
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