[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy, the market demand for modern logistics is increasing day by day. Logistics has become the sunrise industry and the contribution to the development of national economy. The traditional material supply market of railway material enterprises is gradually eroded by private logistics enterprises. The simple management of logistics function makes it difficult for railway traditional material enterprises to adapt to the market demand of modern logistics. For the railway engineering material enterprises, it is one of the important measures for the railway engineering material enterprises to survive and develop to realize the transformation and upgrade and develop the modern logistics. Taking XT engineering material company as an example, this paper studies that XT engineering material company is faced with the deepening reform of railway system, the original supply business of railway engineering material company has been reduced sharply, and the increasing demand for modern logistics in today's society. How to adopt advanced marketing concept and management means to change its material warehousing, supply and distribute mode to adapt to the increasing demand of modern logistics function, enhance its market competitiveness and adaptability, Thus from the vigorous development of modern logistics business opportunities to get a piece of the soup. After the beginning of this paper, on the basis of briefly expounding the background of XT engineering material company, the present situation of development, and analyzing the writing background and significance of the thesis, this paper first analyzes the macro and micro environment of the development of modern logistics in China, and applies Mike. Porter's "five forces" theory analyzes the strategic environment of XT Engineering material Company. Secondly, the paper analyzes the internal resources and usage ability of XT engineering material company, and on this basis, through SWOT analysis, finds out the opportunities, threats and advantages and disadvantages that the railway engineering material company faces. The corresponding strategic choice of SWOT has been established. Thirdly, by using modern marketing theory, strategic management theory and modern logistics theory knowledge, this paper analyzes the inevitability of the transformation from railway engineering material company to modern logistics, and puts forward the transformation ideas and countermeasures. Finally, this paper puts forward the marketing strategy plan and marketing combination strategy of XT engineering material company transformation, and points out that the implementation of marketing strategy can be ensured by adopting strategic alliance construction, organization innovation, process reengineering and so on.
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