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发布时间:2018-08-27 17:45
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the key factors that affect the service quality and passenger satisfaction of Pudong airport terminal area, and to put forward the corresponding measures to improve the ranking of ACI International Airport of Pudong Airport. In this paper, the service quality and passenger satisfaction of Pudong airport terminal area are taken as the research object. According to the customer satisfaction index model, the (QS) structural equation model of terminal area service quality and passenger satisfaction degree is constructed, and the service quality and passenger satisfaction degree are studied. The relationship between corporate image, passenger complaints and customer loyalty. Firstly, based on the theory of service quality and customer satisfaction, a new questionnaire is developed based on the analysis of ACI airport data. Secondly, the model variables and hypothetical paths are tested with AMOS and SPSS, and the fitness degree is used to evaluate the model fitting. Based on the empirical analysis, the relationship between the potential variables of the model and its observation variables, and the influence of the passenger complaints and corporate image on the passenger behavior are obtained. Finally, according to the influence degree of various factors, combined with the present situation of airport management, the measures to improve service quality and passenger satisfaction are put forward. The analysis shows that service quality has positive and direct influence on corporate image and passenger satisfaction; corporate image has positive influence on passenger loyalty; passenger satisfaction has negative effect on passenger complaint; passenger satisfaction has positive effect on passenger loyalty. This study provides an evaluation method and basis for the service monitoring of Pudong Airport terminal using limited resources and for improving the service quality and passenger satisfaction of Pudong Airport.


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