[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the scale of urbanization is expanding and the demand of traffic volume is increasing. As a green urban rail transit, because of its punctual, fast, is favored by large, medium-sized cities. The prediction of rail transit passenger flow is an important link in the construction of urban rail transit. It can be regarded as the basis of the design and planning of urban rail transit, and it can also provide a decision basis for the safe operation of rail transit line in advance. Improving social and economic benefits. This paper studies and practices a method of UGM (1K1) model combined with grey system theory and the applicability of Markov chain, and applies it to the prediction of rail passenger flow. Through theoretical analysis and experimental results, the applicability and deficiency of the related models are discussed. The main research work of this paper is summarized as follows: 1. The most basic prediction model GM (1K1) in grey prediction theory is studied, and its applicability and bias are analyzed theoretically. After unbiased modification of GM (1K1), the UGM (1K1) model was created and the shortcomings of GM (1K1) and UGM (1K1) models were analyzed. 2. On the basis of the insufficiency of UGM (1K1) model, the Grey-Markov model is constructed by combining grey theory with Markov chain. The advantages and disadvantages of the model are demonstrated by experiments. 3. The Grey-Markov model is modified unbiased, and an improved UGM-Markov model is proposed. By constantly updating the original sequence in the modeling process, the state matrix is changed and the data state estimation is improved, thus the prediction accuracy of the model is improved. The experimental results show that the prediction accuracy of the Grey-Markov model is much higher than that of the UGM (1K1) model, which overcomes the defects of the GM (1t1) and UGM (1K1) models in the prediction accuracy of the series with large volatility. The improved UGM-Markov model improves the estimation accuracy by updating the original sequence, and its prediction effect is the best.
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