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发布时间:2018-12-13 09:33
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization, motorization and social and economic modernization, the contradiction of urban traffic supply and demand is becoming increasingly prominent in our country, the traffic pressure of important lines increases significantly, and the traffic volume of many lines is saturated or critical saturation. Traffic is often in a congested state, the development of the city has been restricted by urban traffic problems. In this way, it is required that urban transport vehicles need to join the members of the heavy transportation volume, and that they need better excavation and use of underground space, so as to alleviate the contradiction of the surface road traffic resources and make the urban land and urban traffic develop harmoniously. And then promote the rapid development of urban economy. Under such background, subway this kind of energy saving, saving time and ensuring transportation capacity of urban rail transit mode came into being. The construction and operation investment of subway is relatively large, and the subway itself has public welfare, so it is inevitable that there is a deficit in its operation. Rail transit operations in the world's major cities are largely loss-making, with Hong Kong and Singapore alone profitable. In the case of low ticket price, it is not realistic to increase revenue only by raising ticket income. How to reduce the operating cost of subway becomes an essential aspect in the study of urban rail transit operation. Moreover, it is of great significance to improve the operation condition of rail transit enterprises. This paper first describes the background and significance of the study of operating costs, and on the basis of reading and referring to many literatures at home and abroad, elements cost method runs through the main line of the article. Quota management theory and comprehensive budget management theory are used to study. Secondly, it introduces the concept characteristics and influencing factors of subway operating cost, and then explains the basic situation of Changsha subway construction and operation, and then analyzes and explores the operation cost of Changsha Metro Line 2 in detail. It is found that there are some problems in several elements of operation cost of Changsha Metro Line 2 (labor, energy consumption, maintenance cost, etc.). The author carefully excavates the real causes behind the high cost factors and finds that the lack of awareness of cost management imperfect cost control system and poor management are the main causes of high operating costs. Finally, the author puts forward his own methods and opinions from the aspects of strengthening the consciousness of cost control, formulating appropriate accounting system, implementing quota management, and opening up diversified means of payment. Rational control of maintenance cost to advocating energy saving and so on are put forward to control the operation cost rationalization and management strategy. The main beneficiaries of subway traffic are the vast number of passengers. Subway passenger cars will not only bring economic benefits to the operating enterprises, but more importantly, it saves the social cost of the city, in order to give better play to its social function. It is of great significance to study the operating cost.


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