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发布时间:2018-12-17 16:56
【摘要】:交通运输作为第三产业的重要组成部分,是国民经济的基础性、支柱性产业,是联系各项社会经济活动的纽带,与国民经济其他产业相互依存、紧密相连,并共同对我国经济社会的发展与进步起到了极其重要的推动作用,特别是在改革开放三十年以来,交通运输事业在我国取得了相当的成就,得到了较快的发展。但翻开新中国成立以来以及改革开放以前的交通运输发展历史我们不难发现,交通运输的发展在那一历史时期往往是以较为封闭的、粗放的方式而不是以可持续的方式发展的。这样的交通运输发展方式在经济社会发展的新时期正面临着结构性、地区性等的压力,受到较大的环境和资源束缚,对我国经济社会健康、持续地发展产生着较负面的影响。 为突破传统交通运输发展方式的这一瓶颈问题,我们必须要寻求一种协调地、可持续性地交通运输发展思路,就是要在保证交通运输满足经济发展要求的同时,更注重与生态、资源、环境以及社会经济间的协调与互动。交通运输事业的这种可持续发展的理论与实践也受到国家和社会各界的广泛关注。 作者在对国内外现有的可持续发展理论以及交通运输发展相关理论研究的基础上,从交通运输相关概念、特点和意义出发,引入交通运输可持续发展的理念以及可持续发展三个方面的内容,通过对日照市交通运输发展现状的陈述,分析地方政府在交通运输事业发展的管理过程中所存在的问题,探讨交通运输事业问题的原因,结合日照市经济社会发展的实际情况,提供交通运输可持续发展的对策与建议,为目照市交通运输部门今后在规划与建设等方面的决策提供可供参考的智力支持,以推动交通运输事业科学的发展,从而促进目照市经济和社会更好更快地发展。
[Abstract]:As an important part of the tertiary industry, transportation is the basic and pillar industry of the national economy, the link of various social and economic activities, and closely related to other industries of the national economy. It has played an extremely important role in promoting the development and progress of our country's economy and society together, especially since the reform and opening up 30 years ago, the transportation industry has made considerable achievements in our country, and has obtained the fast development. However, it is not difficult to find out that the development of transportation has been developed in a more closed and extensive way rather than in a sustainable way in the historical period since the founding of the people's Republic of China and before the reform and opening up. In the new period of economic and social development, this mode of transportation development is facing structural, regional and other pressures, and is constrained by the larger environment and resources, which has a relatively negative impact on the healthy and sustainable development of our economy and society. In order to break through the bottleneck of the traditional mode of transportation development, we must seek a coordinated and sustainable train of thought for the development of transportation, that is, we should pay more attention to the ecology while ensuring that the transportation meets the requirements of economic development. Coordination and interaction between resources, environment and social economy. The theory and practice of this kind of sustainable development of transportation are also paid attention by the country and all walks of life. On the basis of the research on the existing theories of sustainable development at home and abroad and the related theories of transportation development, the author proceeds from the concept, characteristics and significance of transportation. This paper introduces the concept of sustainable development of transportation and three aspects of sustainable development, and analyzes the problems of local governments in the management of transportation development through the statement of the present situation of transportation development in Rizhao. This paper probes into the causes of the problems of transportation and provides the countermeasures and suggestions for the sustainable development of traffic and transportation in combination with the actual situation of economic and social development in Rizhao. In order to promote the development of transportation science and promote the economic and social development of Muzhao city, it can provide reference intellectual support for the future planning and construction of transportation department.


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