[Abstract]:Hunan Valin Iron and Steel Group is a joint formation of three major iron and steel enterprises in Hunan-Xianggang, Lianyuan Steel and Heng Steel. When the Valin Group was established in 1997, its steel output was only 2.36 million tons. After more than 10 years of leapfrog development, Among the world's top 20 steelmakers, crude steel production in 2011 has reached 15.43 million tons. According to the company's development strategy, Valin's target for steel production in the next two years will be further expanded, the amount of iron ore to be imported will also be further increased, and steel exports will gradually increase in the future. The rapid development of Valin Group puts forward higher requirements for the logistics of enterprises, and how to adapt the logistics to the development of enterprises is an urgent problem to be solved. Because of the inland provinces and the distribution of three steel mills in different cities, rail transport has been the main logistics mode of Valin Group, and nearly 70% of its imported mines rely on railways to enter the plant. Imported mines from Ningbo, Zhanjiang, Fangchenggang and other ports unloaded by rail to the location of the enterprise. However, with the expansion of production scale and the improvement of production capacity of Valin Group, the development of railway transportation has obviously lagged behind, and it is difficult to meet the demand of logistics growth formed by the rapid development of Valin. Therefore, Valin Iron and Steel should give full play to the advantages of water transportation, optimize the waterway transportation system, expand the waterway transportation volume, and achieve the purpose of ensuring the production demand of Valin Group, improving the logistics efficiency, reducing the comprehensive logistics cost, and improving the competitiveness of the enterprises. Firstly, the paper summarizes the general situation of Valin Iron and Steel Group and the demand of import and export shipping logistics, introduces the logistics system of raw materials and finished products of Valin Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and analyzes the main problems and future development trend of Valin Iron and Steel Group. Next, through the analysis of the conditions of the two waterways of the Yangtze River and the Xiangjiang River, which are necessary for the import of iron ore by water from Valin Iron and Steel, as well as the conditions for the optional coastal transit ports and inland river transit ports, The transport mode of imported iron ore transport logistics for Valin Iron and Steel is obtained, and the suitable transport ship type is selected for these modes. Then, the paper analyzes the objectives and constraints of the imported iron ore transportation logistics system of Valin Iron and Steel, and establishes the minimum transportation cost model of the freight transport logistics system of Valin Iron and Steel, and uses genetic algorithm to solve the model. The least cost scheme is selected from various water transportation schemes, that is, the best scheme of imported iron ore transport logistics system for Valin Iron and Steel is obtained. Finally, the paper puts forward the corresponding measures and suggestions from the internal and external aspects of Valin Group, such as improving the port handling capacity, building the whole logistics information system, training logistics talents, strengthening the cooperation with port and shipping company, etc. In order to ensure the smooth operation of the new waterway scheme.
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