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发布时间:2018-02-17 09:02

  本文关键词: Milk-run 优化分析 成本节约构成 出处:《吉林财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在生产物流领域中,汽车物流因涉及的零部件品种多、数量大,又是针对大规模多种车型的量化生产服务,所以,被公认为是世界上最为复杂的物流系统。对于市场竞争愈发激烈的今天,汽车制造企业越来越将目光聚集在汽车零部件入厂物流的优化上,因为汽车零部件入厂物流得到优化,意味着汽车制造企业总生产成本的下降,意味着市场竞争力和市场占有率的提升。随着多频次、小批量、拉动式的Milk-run入厂物流运作方式的应用与发展,使汽车制造企业的准时化生产成为现实,极大的提高了汽车供应物流领域中零部件入厂物流的质量与效率,降低了零部件入厂物流成本,提高了企业在市场中的竞争力。 虽然Milk-run入厂物流运作方式在国外已经得到了广泛的应用,取得了令人瞩目的成果。但是,在国内的汽车制造企业中Milk-run运作模式还属于新鲜事物,只有少数几家管理理念先进的汽车制造企业应用了Milk-run入厂物流运作模式。本文在对比多种汽车零部件入厂物流运作方式的基础上,分析了Milk-run的原理、运作模式、运作流程、特征、优点及不足,并在此基础上归纳出了四种Milk-run的运作方式。最后,,运用数学的思维和方法,分析了Milk-run模式相比于传统物流模式的成本节约构成,归纳总结出影响Milk-run运输成本节约的两大因素。构建了运输成本的数学模型,并通过案例验证了本文构建的Milk-run模式运输模型的有效性。本文的研究对汽车生产企业的零部件入厂物流优化具有理论指导意义和实际借鉴价值。
[Abstract]:In the field of production logistics, automobile logistics involves a large number of parts and components, and is also a quantitative production service for a large number of types of vehicles, so, It is recognized that it is the most complicated logistics system in the world. Today, when the market competition is more and more intense, automobile manufacturing enterprises are focusing more and more on the optimization of the entry logistics of automobile parts, because the logistics of entering factory of automobile parts is optimized. This means that the total production cost of automobile manufacturing enterprises will decrease, and the market competitiveness and market share will increase. With the application and development of multi-frequency, small-batch, pull-in logistics operation mode of Milk-run, The just-in-time production of automobile manufacturing enterprises becomes a reality, which greatly improves the quality and efficiency of parts entry logistics in the field of automobile supply logistics, reduces the cost of parts entry logistics, and improves the competitiveness of enterprises in the market. Although Milk-run entry logistics operation mode has been widely used in foreign countries, it has achieved remarkable results. However, in domestic automobile manufacturing enterprises, Milk-run operation mode is still a new thing. Only a few automobile manufacturing enterprises with advanced management concepts have applied Milk-run entry logistics operation mode. This paper analyzes the principle, operation mode and operation process of Milk-run on the basis of comparing the operation modes of many kinds of automobile parts entry logistics. Characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and on this basis, four Milk-run operation modes are summarized. Finally, by using mathematical thinking and methods, the cost saving structure of Milk-run model compared with traditional logistics mode is analyzed. This paper sums up two major factors that affect the transportation cost saving of Milk-run, and constructs a mathematical model of transportation cost. The validity of the Milk-run model is verified by a case study. The research in this paper is of theoretical significance and practical reference value for the optimization of inbound logistics of parts and components in automobile manufacturing enterprises.


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