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发布时间:2018-02-20 17:11

  本文关键词: 产品利润 务实 可操作 可持续 出处:《宁波大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:好的科学的管理方法,对于企业工艺优化和提高生产效率,提升产品利润率和附加值,以及提升企业的可持续发展能力和持久有效的市场的竞争力都非常重要。当今世界,无论是经济秩序还是政治秩序都在发生着深刻而巨大的变化,世界各国都在努力的巩固根基,全面布局,力图在未来的世界秩序里有自己的一席之地。纵观世界历史长河,长期屹立于世界之林的唯一法宝即是:掌握科学的方法,用科学的工具,务实的务实态度,前仆后继的精神,这必定是国家的出路,也将是企业和人民的出路。 本论文基于汽车配件行业的特殊性(汽配供货企业不具备产品定价权),运用统筹学原理,对CY汽配有限公司的所有产品及产品的生产流程进行了统计分析,对CY汽配有限公司整个运营过程中的过程控制运用方法论原理进行了控制方法方面的探索和研究,从实际出发,以汽车配件产品里面的冲压件产品为例,对CY公司进行了实地调研,分别从业务管理,供销管理,技术与工艺管理,现场管理,仓库管理,物流管理等角度进行考察和研究,立足于解决企业面临的实际问题,,本着可操作性原则,就具体问题进行具体探讨。 本论文从影响产品利润率的各大要素和生产环节入手,通过调研,推演,计算的方式,找到了企业提升产品利润率的有效方案,即对中国汽配类生产企业的现状而言,要切实有效的提升公司产品的利润,最有效的方法就是对公司现有流程的重塑,对控制过程的细化,对工艺的优化,加大对各种成本的实际控制,注重产品保护和安全生产等。使CY汽配有限公司的流程得到了重塑和优化,使过程控制更为合理,通过一个月的试运行,不包含产品价值和新产品开发所带来的利润,每年可直接提升CY汽配有限公司的利润一千多万元,这为企业以后的长期战略,和实现可持续发展提供重要的保障,也是企业长期可持续发展的非常重要的先决条件。
[Abstract]:Good scientific management practices are important to optimize and improve production efficiency, improve product margins and added value, and enhance the sustainable development capacity of enterprises and the competitiveness of a sustainable and effective market. Both the economic order and the political order are undergoing profound and tremendous changes. All countries in the world are trying to consolidate their roots and overall layout in order to have their own place in the future world order. Throughout the world history, The only magic weapon standing in the forest of the world for a long time is to master scientific methods, to use scientific tools, to be pragmatic and pragmatic, and to follow one another. This will surely be the way out for the country, and it will also be the way out for enterprises and people. Based on the particularity of auto parts industry (auto parts supply enterprises do not have pricing power), this paper makes a statistical analysis of all products and production processes of CY Auto parts Co., Ltd by using the principle of overall planning. This paper explores and studies the control method in the whole operation process of CY Auto parts Co., Ltd., taking the stamping products of automobile accessories as an example. The field investigation and research of CY Company are carried out from the aspects of business management, supply and marketing management, technology and process management, field management, warehouse management, logistics management and so on, in order to solve the practical problems faced by enterprises. In line with the principle of operability, specific issues are discussed. This paper starts with the main factors and production links that affect the profit rate of products, through investigation, deduction and calculation, finds out the effective scheme of improving the profit rate of products, that is, the present situation of the automobile parts manufacturing enterprises in China. In order to effectively enhance the profits of the company's products, the most effective method is to reshape the existing process of the company, refine the control process, optimize the process, and increase the actual control of various costs. Focus on product protection and production safety. CY Auto parts Co., Ltd. has been reshaped and optimized the process control more reasonable, through a one-month trial operation, not including the product value and the profit from the new product development, The profit of CY Auto parts Co., Ltd. can be directly increased by more than 10 million yuan each year, which provides an important guarantee for the long-term strategy of the enterprise and the realization of sustainable development, and is also a very important prerequisite for the long-term sustainable development of the enterprise.


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