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发布时间:2018-02-24 21:28

  本文关键词: 农业 上市公司 绩效 DEA 出处:《山东农业大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国作为传统农业大国,以“精耕细作”为代表的传统农业仍然占我国农业的大部分。传统农业虽然有数千年的成熟经验,但生产规模较小,经营管理和生产技术仍较落后,抗御自然灾害能力差,农业生态系统功效低,商品经济较薄弱,无法适应当前的市场经济。现代农业通过不断投入新的技术,提高单位农产品产量、提高农产品质量、节约能耗和改善生态环境,并让农户广泛地参与到专业化生产和社会化分工中,使分散的农户经济向合作化、产业化方向转化。现代农业是实现农业稳步增长,解决三农问题的根本出路。 农业上市公司作为我国先进农业生产力的代表,其诞生和发展,对于调整我国农业结构,促进农业的产业化经营,提高农业经营效益,提升农业国际竞争力,加快农业现代化有着重要的意义。 本文研究了数据包络分析(DEA)方法的一般性理论及其在农业上市公司综合效率评价中的应用;探讨了农业上市公司综合效率评价的方法,采用静态与动态两种分析方法;根据指标体系构建原则和要求与DEA评价方法构建了农业上市公司技术效率评价的输入输出指标体系;最后对我国农业上市公司综合效率的现状进行了评价。 在分析了国内外效率评价研究现状的基础上,本文采用对比研究和理论与实践相结合的方法,运用DEA模型,对我国农业上市公司效率评价问题进行了较系统的分析。基于数据结果分析,论文在最后对改进农业上市公司综合效率提出了一些相关建议:控制负债水平以优化资本结构;加大融资力度以扩大规模;加强技术创新以提高产品竞争优势;制定适当的发展规划;为农业上市公司做产业引导;加强基础建设、为农业上市公司做好铺垫;加大扶持力度,,扶植龙头企业。
[Abstract]:As a large traditional agricultural country, China's traditional agriculture, represented by "intensive cultivation", still accounts for the majority of our agriculture. Although traditional agriculture has thousands of years of mature experience, its production scale is relatively small, and its management and production technology are still relatively backward. Poor resilience to natural disasters, low efficiency of agro-ecosystems, weak commodity economy, unable to adapt to the current market economy. Modern agriculture, through the continuous investment of new technologies, increases the output of agricultural products per unit and improves the quality of agricultural products. Saving energy consumption and improving ecological environment, and allowing farmers to participate in specialized production and socialized division of labor extensively, so as to transform the scattered peasant household economy into cooperation and industrialization. The fundamental way out to solve the problem of agriculture, countryside and farmers. As the representative of China's advanced agricultural productive forces, agricultural listed companies have been born and developed in order to adjust the agricultural structure, promote the industrialization of agriculture, improve the efficiency of agricultural management, and enhance the international competitiveness of agriculture. Speeding up agricultural modernization is of great significance. This paper studies the general theory of data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and its application in the comprehensive efficiency evaluation of agricultural listed companies, discusses the methods of comprehensive efficiency evaluation of agricultural listed companies, and adopts static and dynamic analysis methods. The input and output index system of agricultural listed companies' technical efficiency evaluation is constructed according to the construction principles and requirements of the index system and the DEA evaluation method. Finally, the present situation of agricultural listed companies' comprehensive efficiency is evaluated. On the basis of analyzing the present situation of efficiency evaluation at home and abroad, this paper adopts the method of comparative study and combining theory with practice, and applies DEA model. This paper makes a systematic analysis of the efficiency evaluation of agricultural listed companies in China. Based on the analysis of the data results, the paper puts forward some relevant suggestions to improve the comprehensive efficiency of agricultural listed companies at the end of the paper: controlling the debt level in order to optimize the capital structure; Increase financing to expand the scale; strengthen technological innovation to improve the competitive advantage of products; formulate appropriate development plans; do industrial guidance for agricultural listed companies; strengthen infrastructure, lay the groundwork for agricultural listed companies; increase support; Support leading enterprises.


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