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发布时间:2018-02-25 04:09

  本文关键词: 商业银行 全面成本管理 问题 对策 出处:《兰州交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the current situation and defects of the total cost management of commercial banks in our country, this paper draws lessons from the mature experience of the foreign commercial banks and takes the cost management of the S branch of HB Bank as the research object. In order to achieve the above objectives, the author puts forward the implementation countermeasures of constructing the overall cost management system of commercial banks, and provides advice for enhancing the competitiveness of commercial banks. This paper first introduces the basic theory of total cost management and the dynamics of total cost management of commercial banks at home and abroad, and then analyzes the current situation and characteristics of cost management of HB Bank S Branch. Finally, the paper puts forward the countermeasures of the comprehensive cost management and the problems that should be paid attention to in the process of implementation. The so-called cost management refers to the cost accounting and cost analysis in the process of production and operation of the enterprise. Total cost management refers to the application of the basic principle and method system of cost management to optimize cost input and improve cost structure according to the law of modern enterprise cost movement. The main purpose of avoiding cost risk is to carry out the basic theory, thought system, management system, mechanism and behavior mode of the whole process, generalized, dynamic and multi-dimensional cost control of enterprise management activities. The comprehensive cost management of commercial banks is the product of the integration of modern management accounting and modern commercial bank management. It takes responsibility cost management as the main line. Each link implements the cost adjustment and the opportunity cost choice, promotes the commercial bank cost management management object from the pure financial cost to the overall operating cost, The management subject changes from the single financial department management to the joint management of each department and the post staff, the management procedure changes from the post control to the whole process management, realizes the broad sense, the multi-dimension and the dynamic of the cost management, promotes the commercial bank to be efficient and sustainable. In this paper, literature research, field investigation, comparative analysis, normative analysis and other research methods are used. The main research contents include the basic theory of total cost management, Application of Total cost Management in Commercial Banks at Home and abroad the problems existing in the current cost Management of HB Bank S Branch are discussed in this paper. The countermeasures to implement total cost management in HB Bank S Branch and the problems to be paid attention to in the implementation are discussed in this paper. Innovation lies in trying to study the basic principles and methods of total cost management. Combined with the research results and application practice of financial experts at home and abroad on total cost management, according to the actual organization structure of commercial banks in China, this paper discusses its application in branch level. It proves the defects and shortcomings of the traditional cost calculation method in the cost calculation of bank products, and further proves the necessity of carrying out the total cost management in the commercial banks of our country, and effectively carries out the total cost management.


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