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发布时间:2018-02-25 16:12

  本文关键词: 施工阶段 成本管理 成本控制 组织结构 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在项目建设过程中一般决策和设计阶段所消耗的项目总成本比例较少,项目施工阶段则占用了绝大比重的项目成本。以此看来,如何控制项目建设过程中的成本,就是控制了整个工程项目的成本重要所在,也是本文研究的出发点。 论文先从建筑工程项目成本管理的基本理论出发,着重分析了我国目前的建筑工程项目成本主要存在的问题现状,分析了项目成本的分类和特点,针对如何加强成本管理,把成本管理和成本控制做为项目成本的重点来研究。 结合建筑工程项目的实际特点,对建筑工程成本和影响因素进行了分析,包括,人员素质、制度完善、组织构成、工程质量、机械材料、以及项目工期等,都对建筑项目工程成本管理有一定影响。本论文主旨为了实现项目成本管理的控制目标,不仅需要建立一个责权明确的组织结构,保证责任落实到人,,还需要对企业全体员工树立成本管理意识,并且建立一套完整的项目成本控制管理的制度和程序。再结合案例对成本控制采用的措施方法进行说明,验证采用全员、全过程的科学管理,最终项目取得理想的成本控制效果。该项目取得了满意的成本控制效果。
[Abstract]:In the process of project construction, the proportion of total project cost consumed in general decision making and design stage is relatively small, while the construction stage occupies most of the project cost. From this point of view, how to control the cost in the process of project construction, It is important to control the cost of the whole project, which is the starting point of this paper. Based on the basic theory of construction project cost management, this paper analyzes the main problems existing in the construction project cost in our country, analyzes the classification and characteristics of the project cost, and aims at how to strengthen the cost management. Study cost management and cost control as the focus of project cost. Combined with the actual characteristics of the construction project, the cost and influencing factors of the construction project are analyzed, including the quality of the personnel, the perfection of the system, the organization, the quality of the project, the mechanical material, the duration of the project, etc. In order to achieve the control goal of project cost management, not only need to establish a clear organizational structure, to ensure the implementation of responsibility to people, It is also necessary to establish the awareness of cost management for all employees in the enterprise, and to establish a complete system and procedure of project cost control management. The whole process of scientific management, the final project achieved ideal cost control effect, the project achieved satisfactory cost control effect.


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