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发布时间:2018-02-25 18:04

  本文关键词: 风险控制 风险识别 财务风险管理 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The bonded logistics center is mainly set up in the area where the international logistics demand is large and the processing trade is relatively concentrated. It is a closed customs supervision area with port functions. The planning and design of the bonded logistics center are studied. Jinan bonded logistics center belongs to B type bonded logistics center, which is beneficial to enhance the rationality of the utilization of logistics center, improve the market competition ability of logistics center, and promote the rapid and efficient development of logistics industry. Geographical location and traffic conditions are very superior, with the focus on export-processing enterprises as the service object, This paper focuses on the planning and construction of Jinan bonded logistics center. The financial risk management of bonded logistics center is analyzed scientifically. The concrete contents include: 1) deeply understand the present situation of Jinan bonded logistics center, and the basic conditions and advantages and disadvantages of the construction of Jinan bonded logistics center. In addition to the conclusion that Jinan bonded Logistics Center has many advantages and great potential for development, but challenges coexist at the same time, A reasonable assessment of the development situation of Jinan bonded Logistics Center (Jinan bonded Logistics Center) the identification of the financial risk of Jinan bonded Logistics Center, from the capital financing risk, investment risk, Financial risk Identification of Jinan bonded Logistics Center from the perspective of recovery risk and profit distribution risk. This paper takes the relevant data of Jinan bonded Logistics Center as a sample, calculates and compares the relevant indicators. The financial feasibility of Jinan bonded Logistics Center is deeply analyzed. The total investment of the project is four billion three hundred and eight million two hundred and eighty thousand yuan and the total profit is five billion seven hundred and sixty-nine million three hundred and seventy thousand yuan. The investment payback period is 15 years (including construction period: investment profit rate is 5.82%, investment interest tax rate is 6.04 and capital profit rate is 19.29.The calculation of various economic indexes shows that the project has better economic benefits, The financial risk control of Jinan bonded Logistics Center is based on the aspects of fund raising risk, investment risk, recovery risk and profit distribution risk.


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