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发布时间:2018-02-27 21:07

  本文关键词: 玉米生产 成本收益分析 科左中旗 出处:《内蒙古农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:玉米是粮食作物中附加值最高的作物,玉米既可以满足人们对粮食的消费需求,还是畜牧业和加工业的重要原料,科左中旗是中国重要的商品粮生产基地,玉米是该地区主要的农作物,玉米投入产出的变动直接影响着科左中旗玉米种植户的切身利益和种植户生产玉米的积极性,也影响着科左中旗畜牧业和玉米加工业的发展。 本文以科左中旗玉米生产成本收益为研究主线,以生产理论、农业生产要素理论、可持续发展理论为理论基础,利用统计年鉴数据分析科左中旗玉米种植业的发展现状,定性分析科左中旗玉米种植的优势、生产方式及影响科左中旗玉米生产效率的主要因素,利用实际调研数据定量分析,分不同农户等级和不同土地等级进行研究,应用计量线性回归模型确定各要素的贡献率,并提出改进的对策建议。
[Abstract]:Corn is a crop with the highest added value among grain crops. Corn can not only satisfy people's demand for food consumption, but also an important raw material for animal husbandry and processing industry. Kezuo Zhongqi is an important commodity grain production base in China. Maize is the main crop in this area. The change of input-output of corn directly affects the vital interests of corn growers and the enthusiasm of farmers to produce corn, and also affects the development of animal husbandry and corn processing industry in Kezuo Zhongqi. Based on the theory of production theory, the theory of agricultural production factors and the theory of sustainable development, this paper analyzes the current situation of corn planting industry in Kezuo Zhongqi by statistical yearbook data, taking the production cost and income of Kezuo Zhongqi as the main line of study, and taking the theory of agricultural production factors and sustainable development as the theoretical basis. Based on the qualitative analysis of the superiority, production mode and main factors affecting the maize production efficiency of Kezuo Zhonghong Banner, a quantitative analysis was carried out by using the actual investigation data, which was divided into different peasant household grades and different land grades. The contribution rate of each element is determined by using the econometric linear regression model, and the countermeasures and suggestions for improvement are put forward.


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